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"Alaska, wake up! I don't understand how kids your age can sleep so much!" Sarah laughed, as she tapped me. "Well excuse me but I have just flown half way around the world into a completely different time zone." I said while slowly sitting up straight. I looked outside and found that we were in the driveway of a house. I clambered out of the car, my feet crunching on the gravel, and stood up to get a full look at the place I was now going to call 'home'. The long, thin gravel driveway had grass on either side that stretched for about 20 metres either way. My eyes followed the path, until reaching the black decking that surrounded the perimeter of the house. Then my eyes widened, as they focused on the door. It was very large, and it was also black. The house was white and very modern, with palm tree style plants surrounding it. I instantly fell in love with it. "What the hell guys! You could have mentioned the fact that we were moving into some modern mansion!" I squealed. They both just chuckled and continued to haul our luggage out of the taxi. "Here, take the keys" Steve said, probably noticing my impatience. I snatched them out of his hands and ran towards the door, thrusting it open. Once I managed to get the keys out of the door, I stepped inside. As I looked up, my eyes doubled in size, as I realised I was standing in a large entrance. The floor was marble and black, and a large chandelier hung from the ceiling. I scurried up one side of the huge staircase that started from two different sides, but gradually spiralled inwards so that they both met at a landing upstairs. I was so fascinated by exploring the house that I didn't notice the taxi leave, or Sarah and Steve enter the house grinning with happiness.

After a while I realised that I had examined the whole house examining all of the bedrooms but one. I walked towards the door of the room, which is in a completely different part of the house than the other 2 rooms. I slowly twisted the metal door handle, and lightly pushed the door open. I stepped inside and fell in love with the room at once. The walls were white, and the floor was a very pale wood. There was a large sliding window, which if lifted allowed access to my own private balcony, hidden from the rest of the house but still in the sun. I then noticed that there was no bed, but two large cupboard-like doors caught my attention. I walked over and opened them, before letting out a gasp. This was where my bed was kept! {picture on side} The cupboard wasn't in the wall but coming out from it, almost as if someone had placed the bed in its position and built around it. Squealing with happiness, I hurried back downstairs to grab my suitcase, and then hauled it back up before laying it on the floor in my room. I shut the door behind me and sat on the bed panting, a bit worn out from all those stairs. Maybe I should try and get fitter, I thought to my self. I smiled as I looked around my room. The walls were empty, and so straight away I decided to change that.

After about 2 hours, I stood back and examined my room. I had set out all of my belongings (clothes, make up,etc.), arranged all the shoes in my walk in wardrobe, and had laid down my white fluffy rug. Above my desk I had began a collage, filled with pictures of me and friends, pictures of famous people, pictures I found off tumblr, and pictures from magasines or catalogs like the topshop one. I had lined up all of my books on one shelf and all of my CD's on another, because I didn't want to get them confused. I had also taped fairy lights where I felt it was neccessary, and so with the feeling of satisfaction, I put on my 1975 album, and grabbed the book I was currently reading, 'Looking For Alaska'- what a coincidence. John Green was my favourite author but I had already read the other books of his that I owned, so made a quick note to self to buy some more. It was already getting dark, but I hauled the white duvet and a few cushions off of my bed, before sliding open the window and exiting onto my balcony. I sat down and made myself comfortable, before picking up my book. I wasn't hungry, so I skipped dinner and sat out there for the rest of the evening, listening to the music I was playing and smiling, because I realised that I was actually quite happy. The album restarted itself so I must have lost track of time, but as stars began to appear I slid myself back through the window, along with my belongings and headed straight to my bed. I picked up my phone and read through my twitter feed before snapchatting Cara a mugshot of myself and adding "It's not so bad after all", and with that done, I shut the doors to my bed's compartment and fell asleep.

She Was The One (Bradley Will Simpson/The Vamps Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now