Lazy day

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"Get up lazy" Brad said as he shook me awake and held a cup of tea out towards me. I rubbed my eyes and tucked my hair behind my ears, before sitting up and taking the cup from him. "Thanks" I said taking a sip of the hot liquid which instantly made me feel more awake. It was like a routine now, that if one of us woke the other up, they needed to be awoken with a cup of tea, just because it was so much nicer and being woken up with a cup of tea can almost make up for the fact that you've been woken up in the first place.

"So why did you wake me up?" I asked once I'd managed to drag my mind back to the room. "Because you're boring when you sleep" he replied. "Everyones boring when they're asleep" I said with a laugh. "Yeah I know, when I came back in here you looked cute and peaceful so I almost debated not waking you up, but then I realised what a waste of tea that would have been" he said with a wink. Maybe the tea didn't make up for it after all, I thought jokingly.

"I'm tired" I moaned, picking up my phone to see the time and receiving a shock as I realised that it was not early as I had suspected, but in fact 12:30 in the afternoon. "Oh" I said, making us both laugh. "Yeah, see what I mean by boring? I've been awake since 10!" Brad said. "Well I'm not leaving this house" I replied since I really had no motivation to. "Who said we were? You don't even have to leave the bed if you don't want to" Brad answered with a smile. He meant it jokingly but I could tell that he meant it, which was the sweetest thing ever.

It didn't take much to decide that we were going to have a movie day, filled with tea and food whilst sat in bed, since there was a tv and dvd player in Brads room, and I'd brought along dvd's that I'd had for a while. "Let's watch an old one" I said, hopping back into bed after having eaten toast, allowing Brad to pick a movie. "What about this one?" he said, holding up The Breakfast Club which is actually one of my all time favourite movies. I nodded eagerly to show my approval, which made him chuckle as he set everything up before climbing in next to me.

At the ending of the movie, the classic song came on, so we both sang along as well as making sure to do the fist pump.

"DON'T YOU, FORGET ABOUT ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, before pausing and waiting for Brad to have a line. "When you walk on by, will you call my name?" he said dramatically but still loudly. He carried on singing these verses but switched to some sort of weird accent, making me shriek with laughter. I think I actually cried at how funny I thought it was.

"Okay seriously we should stop, the people in the flats on either side of us are probably so annoyed" I said as my laughter began to fade. "Not just the people either side, probably everyone in the whole building" Brad said, which was most likely true considering how loud we were yelling.

Just as we were about to pick another film, I heard my facetime going off, so picked up my phone and answered it. "Hey Cara!" I said, waving through the camera at her. "Hi! What are you doing?" she asked with a smile. "At Brads, what about you?" I replied. "Oh yeah you moved in! and nothing its like 4am or something here" she answered. "4am!? why are you awake?! and yep I moved in!" I said, confused as to what person would want to wake up that. early. "I'm getting a train at like something to queue up to get tickets to this festival" she replied. I loved festivals because they were actually quite good, but a 4am start for tickets?!That's crazy!

I let her talk to Brad as I took our plates and empty, coffee stained mugs back into the kitchen before placing them in the dishwasher. Brad and I had a deal, that whoever made the food didn't have to clear up after, and he actually went along with it which was good because most boys probably wouldn't.

When I came back in we both said goodbye to Cara before I spoke. "Hey we should go to a festival of some sort!" "Yeah that would be fun, we're playing at a few this year but they aren't for ages, but I'm sure they have some small ones round here" Brad replied with a smile. "Yeah sometimes small ones can be fun, and I'm expecting free tickets to the ones you guys play at!" I joked. "No way why would I do that?" he answered with a wink as we shuffled back under the covers. "Oh god" I moaned. "What?" Brad asked. "We forgot to put a movie in!" I said, laughing as I crawled out from my comfy position and rummaged through some dvds. "What about... School Of Rock?" I asked with a smirk as I held the movie up, since I knew that it was his favourite! "Yes!" he said while eagerly shaking his head. "Actually I'm not in the mood" I said as I put the dvd away in slow motion, leading to Brad immediately jumping out of bed and grabbing me. I held the dvd high since he's quite small so hopefully wouldn't be able to reach it, but he wrapped his arms around me and I was struggling to keep it up. "Give it!" he said as we both laughed.

I made one last attempt at keeping the dvd away from him and chucked it onto a chair before quickly spinning around and jumping on Brad, pulling him to the floor so that he couldn't race to get it. "Oi!" he said from underneath me, but as I laughed I was caught off guard and he managed to squirm free and sprint to the dvd. "Ohhh" I moaned, pulling a sad face by sticking out my bottom lip. "I win, now go sit down" he demanded as he pointed at the bed. I sighed and reluctantly gave in, crawling into the bed as he set it up.

"I was joking you know" I said once he'd joined me. "I know, because you love this movie too" he said laughing. I'm glad he understood that I was just winding him up so that I wouldn't have to explain it all. We spent the movie singing along to famous rock songs which were included, and since we'd both grown up listening to bands like ACDC it was quite cool and made it so much better.

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