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The beaming morning sun shone through the window making me open my eyes slowly, after a deep sleep. The sound of the morning birds made me move the soft white pillow over my head in attempts to block the sound out, this stupid hangover made me so intolerant to the most peaceful of noises. The sent on the pillow reminded me of last night, but i cant remember why or how i recognise the distinctive, pleasant aroma that filled my nostrils.

My head was spinning and i felt so sick from all my alcoholic consumptions from last night. What was even in those drinks that i didn't think twice about downing. Its my first experience of drinking and I never want to consume another alcoholic beverage ever again if this is how you feel the morning after. Wait... Last night.. Shit! What the hell Happened? I racked my brain trying to remember the occurrences of last night. Everything was a complete blur.

I could remember everything up to the truth or dare game. My heart sank in my chest as i remembered the last dare that i could manage to recall. My hands became clammy as 'I dare you to fuck Jemma' ran through my head over an over again. I tried to control my breathing in attempts to stay calm. Wait where the fuck am i!?

I swung my legs down from the bed so my feet were dangling of the side of the bed. I didn't recognise where i was at all, which petrified me.

I looked around to try and find my phone, but i had no luck. I was still wearing my little black dress, which was a good sign right? My attempts to try to stay calm didn't work as i heard a door slam. Shit!

Maybe Rae let me stay at hers because Luke disappeared. Luke... why the fuck would he let this happen to me! I tried to stop the tears from failing, how could he just leave me at that party!?

My mouth became dry as i saw packets of condoms on the bedside table. Fuck! I just wanted the floor to swallow me up so this would all to end.

The idea that maybe harry slept with me last night ran through my mind, but i quickly shut the thoughts off because even thinking about it sent rages of panic through my already shaking body. This couldn't be happening.

I was praying that this was all a dream and in a minute i would wake up in the presence of Luke, but this was defiantly real... too real.

I finally built up the courage to attempt to walk out of the bedroom and see what the consequences of last night were. My legs were trembling, i needed to stop acting so weak.

i prayed that Luke would walk through the door - that i was now standing in front of -and hug me tight, never letting go. I was so scared, i just wanted my best friend to take me away from this nightmare. I needed him.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Someones living room appeared in front of me. My stomach dropped and my legs became weak as i didn't recognise the place i was in. There were dozens of empty stella cans scattered around the room accompanied with about 4 different ash trays piled high with cigarette butts.

Please remind me never to drink again.

I turned the corner to try and find the occupant of this flat or, even better, my phone.

There he was. Sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands, with his top removed. The muscles in his back were dominant and contracted every time he brought his hand to his mouth to take a drag of his cigarette. His skin looked smooth and tanned in this dimly lit room. The absence of his top revealed tattoos, lots and lots of them scattered around his left arm. It was Harry. All the worried thoughts about what happened last night left as i was just lost in his beauty.

"Having a good look are we?" he didn't even turn around to look at me, he just took another drag of cigarette.

"Harry what happened last night?! i cant remember anything"

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