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finally my second class had finished after the 120 minutes of torture! so it was finally time to meet Luke in the Dinner hall. I cant wait to see a familiar face in this sea of unfamiliarity.

The diner hall was way to crowded, way too many people in this size of a room. the air was hot and the humidity was at an all time high, it felt as if the air was barley breathable. Thats college for you tho! Crowded and Clammy. I just needed to find Luke so we could go get some fresh air away from people. Suddenly i fell to the ground smacking my wrist against the laminate flooring. Great! How embarrassing, falling flat on my face on my first day in front of this many people! Typical...

"Hey! You alright hun?!" a perky voice appeared from behind me.

"Yes! Wonderful!" i replied with a sarcastic tone.

i lifted my self up from the ground whilst turning around, hoping that minimal of people noticed my clumsiness. The occupant of that perky voice was standing in front of me now, rather than over me. She was so pretty. not just pretty pretty, but noticeable stunning. I tried to keep my envy at bay . She had tanned skin and an amazing figure with long brown locks curling down to her stomach.

"Is that sarcasm i hear!? i like you" she said whilst giggling more than what was needed. "Im Rae! Nice to meet you hun!"

"jemma, yeah.. Nice to meet you."

she was typical girly girl. the type that i used to spent breaks in library's trying to avoid at school. She laughed too much and added too much emphasis on every word. However, she is the first person to speak to me today so i cant be mean.

we were just exchanging compliments about each others choice of clothing when someones arm was placed around my shoulder. It was Luke i knew just from his familiar minty fresh scent.

"hey you" he whispered so only i could hear.

He didn't really like talking in front of lots of people. Its not that he's shy, he just doesn't like attention. But his intentions of not obtaining attention doesn't work a bit because every girl in this dinner hall is looking straight at him. who could blame them he's gorgeous. I could see that Rae had turned into a blushing school girl and her whole face gleamed just because of the presence of Luke.

"hi gorgeous! im Rae"

she was twirling a strand of her bronzed hair round her fingers as well as fluttering her eyelashes at Luke. it made a slight presence of envy surface my emotions. Why would she just call him gorgeous right in front of me? o wait.. why cant she we're not dating. Just friends.

he just replied with a simple "hi" which made me smile. He never really been interested when it comes to girls flirting with him, i don't understand because Rae's stunning! But it does somehow make me feel good that he only shows interest in me.

'urr this is luke' i stepped in before it turned awkward. 'We both started here today' he moved his hand down to the small of my back which made me smile down to the floor quickly.

"So you guys are new!" she said again with too much enthusiasm "omg! you guys just have to come to my pary tomorrow night!"

she is obviously only asking because she wants Luke to be there. i cant help but to think that this would be good for me and luke. We both have never been to a party, all we have ever done is have many many pizza movie nights at his house. Thats as 'party' as our lives get. I know Luke would hate to go to this dumb party but i think it would be good for him. And wherever i go he goes.

"Sure! we would love to"

as soon as those words left my mouth, Luke's hand fell to his side and his eyebrows narrowed whilst giving me this look that implied 'what the fuck are you doing'. i just hit him slightly on his side before he said anything.

"Omg awesome!" why does she speak so high pitched? "see you there gorgeous!"

she turned and walked away and all i could do was laugh but Luke was not impresses.

"Jemma! Why did you say we would go, we were suppose to have a movie night" Luke's voice was so whiney.

"oh shh you" i said while playfully nudging his arm which always makes his smile return.

Finally the first day at college was over and me and Luke had a relaxing drive back to his house listening to the 1975. It was so sunny so he had his black ray bands on. I love when he wears them glasses so much and when the sun is shining on his perfectly styled golden blonde hair.

we finally got to his house, tho i could have stayed in his car forever just listening to our favourite music, watching him drive and how his hands clench the stirring wheel and how his arms tense when a car sped passed us. Being in his car with him was probably one of my favourite places to be.. when we got to his room he wanted me to help him pick an outfit for the party tomorrow night.

"i like you in all black, please wear all black" i said while biting my lip he just smiled at me then continued to look trough his wardrobe.

this is probably my other favourite place to be. I don't know what it is about his room but its so tranquil. When im lying on his bed, a refreshing breeze flows past you which just reminds me of summer and being a kid again. And the smell of his room is a smell of familiarity and smells like him. Is it weird that all my favourite places are his and where he is.

My thoughts were interrupted when my mum called and said she was outside ready to pick me up. urg it was so peaceful here. i started to walk out Luke's room.

"wait jem" i turned around to face him. "Bye you" he said with that stupidly perfect smile on his face.

"Bye you" i said with an extra cheesy grin, then left him standing there in his room.


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