With Rain Comes Rainbows.

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-Ponyboy's POV-

Dally is staring at me coldly and I have a feeling he's mad at what I said. Mad that I said I should have been the one to die. He opens his mouth to speak but before any words can come out I hear Darry scream like a scared little child. It's a blood curdling scream in fear and he's yelling Sodapop's name. We both turn our heads quickly to find where the yelling is coming from. My eyes lock on Darry first, chasing after my other brother. And then they land on Soda, running at full speed towards an open road. A truck is coming and it's a big one. His face is dripping and he isn't playing around.

"F-fuck, Sodapop!"

I scream along with Darry and jump to my feet. Dallys jacket falls off of my shoulders and I sprint towards Soda at full speed. I'm faster than Darry and Soda. I'm on the track team at school every year and it's one of the only things I'm good at. I don't know if I can make it in time. There's a desperation in Darry's eyes begging me to catch up. That same desperation is in Soda's as well but for all the wrong reasons. Hes desperate to make it to the road. Hes desperate to be hit. I've never seen him this way. I clench my jaw and push my body's limits even further until I'm positive I've got him. At the edge of the road we both go down. I tackle him just in time to hear him cuss my name.

"Ponyboy why'd you go and do that?! Why?"

Soda was hysterical; sobbing into his hands like I was a few minutes ago. Tears resurfaced in my eyes and my throat cracked as I began to cry again. Darry joined us soon after, falling to his knees with a defeated glance at the both of us. He had nothing to say. He messed up. He messed it all up and he knew it.

"Dammit Soda! Damn you! We already lost Johnny- we already lost mom and dad! You're one of the very few people I have left! Soda you're my everything... Why.. Why Soda..why would you do that to us.."

I snapped and then faltered as my voice grew quiet and all I could do was choke out more sobs. Darry was slow to pull us both into his arms. He was warm. He wasn't even wearing a coat but he was warm and cozy. I heard Dallas as he stepped up to us but kept his distance. He didn't get too close. Just close enough for me to hear him light a smoke. Close enough for me to know he was still here.

-Dallas' POV-

I was about to give Pony a piece of my mind when I heard a familiar holler come from behind us through the field. We both spun around to see what was happening, only to realize Darry was chasing after Soda. And Soda was chasing after death. My blood ran cold and before I could get a word in, Pony took off full fledge to stop his brother. I watched from afar as I walked towards it all. It happened so fast. Soda was tackled to the ground just in time and he was crying like never before. Darry caught up a few moments later only to collapse on his knees and stare in disbelief. I didn't get too close, just close enough to hear what they were saying. I lit a smoke to calm my nerves while clenching my jacket in my hand. It fell off Pony when he ran for Soda.

"You two... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I've been so irritable lately. I'm sorry I've been blowing up on you, Ponyboy. I'm sorry for pressuring you, Sodapop. I'm sorry for not being a good older brother. Things'll he different from now on.. I swear they will. You alright, Pepsi-cola?"

Darry cupped Sodapop's cheek and the two youngest brothers just sat crying. I've never seen Soda like this before. Pony's had me worried lately, I thought he was the only one with a shitty hand from life. I would have never guessed Soda wasn't happy. He always has a smile on his face. They all start talking quietly. I can't make out what they're saying but Pony stands and walks towards me. He takes out a smoke and lights it without saying a word. His hands are shaking. I take this chance to throw my jacket back around him.

"Do you think Darry would want me to find another place to stay? I can always head back to Bucks, Pony... I honestly don't want to interrupt..or cause an havoc to your family..."

"Dallas Winston, you are family to me; to us. Ask Soda. Ask Darry. We don't mind you staying with us. I don't know what I'd of done if you weren't around the passed month to keep my head in check... I'd probably of tried to pull what Soda just did. So don't you dare leave."

Ponyboy looks at me with fire in his eyes as well as tears and he makes a few remarks that take a stab at my heart. I hate when people get in my head. It makes me vulnerable. But Pony, he's just a kid, and I know he's harmless. Soda and Darry seem to have heard our brief conversation and soon the two of them are up and walking towards us.

-Sodapop's POV-

I break down. I can't take it. Darry says things will change but he doesn't realize that he's only half of the problem. I don't know why I feel this way. Something must be wrong with me. And Pony, poor Pony. I hurt him more than anyone by trying this. I didn't even consider what his reaction would be. I only thought of myself. I'm so selfish.

"Do you think Darry would want me to find another place to stay? I can always head back to bucks Pony... I honestly don't want to interrupt..or cause an havoc to your family..."

"Dallas Winston, you are family to me; to us. Ask Soda. Ask Darry. We don't mind you staying with us. I don't know what I'd of done if you weren't around the passed month to keep my head in check... I'd probably of tried to pull what Soda just did. So don't you dare leave."

Me and Darry both turn away from eachother when we hear the hushed conversation between my kid brother and our hood friend Dallas. Dal has been like a brother since he started staying with us. It was an unspoken arrangement him and Pony set up but I never minded. Three people in a bed can get crammed but when it's cold, the extra heat is cozy. Whenever I'm down he always has something tuff to say to brighten up my day for a moment. And he's been a huge help to Darry. Hes always cleaning up around the house and he keeps Pony company.


I jump to my feet forgetting my own problems for a minute as I walk towards them both. Darry follows me and crosses his arms. Before Dal can figure out what I'm doing or jump away; I throw my arms around him and rest my chin on his cold shoulder.

"You are family. Please stay with us."

-Darry's POV-

Sodapop's just gone and pulled Dallas into a hug. Hes holding in his tears as Dallys eyes grow wide and a little confused at his words. Pony looks calmer and he watches them both with a calm stare. I step forward and wrap an arm around Dallas and Soda before tugging Pony into the hug with my other arm. We're all wrapped around eachother with Dal in the middle stunned silent.

"Soda's right, kid. Our house wouldn't be the same without ya."

That makes Pony smile and Soda closes his eyes. Dally seems conflicted as to whether he should make a cocky comeback or just take the compliments. He reaches around Soda and Pony to return the hug as his eyes meet mine.

"Guess I'm stuck with ya then, superdope."

"Guess you are, hood."

We share a smile and a moment of silence between the four of us before everyone let's go and we head back towards our house. It seems I've adopted a third brother. Then again... The gang has been family all along. That makes six of us wild greasers. A family of six.

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