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-Ponyboy's POV-

I woke up cuddling Dally. Not only that, but he was cuddling me back! He had a death grip on me tight enough I could barely move. It was the most embarrassing thing I've ever woken up to. And yet I haven't slept that great in months. It was so comforting to have someone actually hold me. Soda rubs my back and gives me light hugs at night, but to have someone engulf you in their arms is completely different. It's a wonderful feeling. Dal is up and hunting for his cigarettes hastily, barely batting an eye at me. It ticks me off a little that he's acting like I'm the only one who's flustered. His cheeks were damn red too when I last checked. I pick my pillow up and aim it at his face slowly, hoping he stays focused on his jacket. Ready. Aim. Fire! I fling the pillow across the room hard enough that when it hits him in the face, he topples over. Dally gets up quick and scoops the pillow up with a sly grin.

"Oh, it's on, Blondie."

I've never seen this wild look Dallas has in his eyes. It's crazy and yet carefree. It's like he's a kid for the first time. It's a good look for him. I'm lost in my head while looking at the happiness in his eyes for so long that instead of belting me back with the pillow, he tackles me to the bed.

"Alright, Pon, now you're gonna get it."

I barely had time to manage a yelp before the pillow was being slammed into my face over and over. My arms only helped so much, otherwise I was defenceless. Oddly cheerful Dallas Winston found this to be incredible, and he didn't quit the attack for another few minutes until Darry called for us.

"Ponyboy! Dallas! Get down here for breakfast, you were told already!"

Before I had a minute to catch my breath, Dal was up and laughing, pulling on his blue jeans and white undershirt. I followed slowly behind and to my surprise, he waited for me. We came down the stairs to meet Darry's watchful eyes. He seemed to be staring me down.

"You sleep well Pony?"

"Yeah, really good actually."

"And you, Dal? How'd you sleep?"

"Uh, it was alright Darry. I slept good. How'd you sleep?"

Darry gave an overly satisfied smile and started filling our plates with eggs and bacon.

"I slept amazing, yakno, knowing my kid brothers were safe in your arms."

We all fell silent. Dallas face was red as a cherry. Soda couldn't contain his laughter from in the livingroom and Two-bit began to beg him for some insight. He had no idea what was so funny. Dal pursed his lips together before smirking back at Darry.

"Kid brother, man. Soda kicks in his sleep. That's why he doesn't get to feel my abs."

Dallas corrects Darry and everyone continues to laugh and light up. It's a good feeling. The energy is happy and I have a feeling that I might have a good day.

"Who says I was feeling your abs?"

"And who says I wanna feel your abs? I got my own, blockhead."

Me and Soda shoot back at Dal and Darry starts laughing like I haven't heard him laugh in almost a year. It makes my chest grow light and all I can do is listen to him laugh at us. Dally seems pretty amused himself.

-Sodapop's POV-

We all ate breakfast and it was nice. Darry didn't bring up my meltdown last night. He didn't talk about Ponyboy's either. We just had a happy meal together like old times. We all joked around, mostly about Dallas cuddling Pony. And he was a good sport. If anything, he seemed more worried we were making Pony uncomfortable. He kept staring at him and telling us to lay off. After breakfast I brushed my teeth again. I know I already did but I want to be clean and upkept for when Steve comes to get me. I like being clean today more than usual. Dallas offers to take Pony and Two-bit to the movies, and they all leave. Me and Darry sit in silence together. I think about mom and dad and Johnnycakes. I also think about Sandy. It still hurts real bad to think about her. I never told no one she cheated but Pony. But I think everyone got the clue when I stopped seeing her. No one brought it up after a week gone without a mention of her. She didn't exist anymore.

"So, you excited?"


"Are you excited to hang out with Steve? You two haven't spent much time together lately."

"Oh... Yeah, I guess I'm excited."

"You sound unsure."

"I guess I'm comfortable with the idea, but I'm not overly happy about it. It's just like any other time I've hung out with him. It's just been a while."

"I see. So are you two gonna meet up with some girls? Two said that Steve dumped Evie."

"Darry, would you hate me if I was gay?"

I don't know why I just blurted that out but I did and now I don't know how to take it back. My brother is staring at me shocked at first and then he looks uncomfortable.

"Are you?"

I don't know what to say. When Steve held my hand last night, it felt nice. It felt right. I don't see how I couldn't fall in love with a boy. It makes my stomach do flips the same way it would for a girl. But should I tell Darry?

"I..I'm not sure. We don't have to talk about it."

"That's probably best for now."

We sit in silence and I almost want to cry because of how overwhelmed I feel. He doesn't even want to talk with me about it. He's disgusted obviously. Darry doesn't like fags. Not because our parents raised him like that, but because he learned from kids at school when he was growing up.


Darry suddenly flashes me a worried look and I turn my head to meet his eyes. That's a question I couldn't answer if I wanted to. And I'd never thought about it myself. It never occurred to me that he could be. It never bothered me if he would be. I didn't mind. I loved him no matter what.

"Glory, you're asking the wrong brother Dar. I don't know. But as far as Dal and him cuddling, that's all they did. I've never heard anything weird from them and it was only just that one time."

Darry looks relaxed, as if to say 'thank God only one of them turned out wrong' and he gives a sigh of relief. I feel like I'm about to explode, but before I can, Steve knocks and walks in.

"Hey Soda, you ready?"

"Yep. Wouldn't want to gross my brother out any more."

I storm out of the house and get into Steve's car, leaving him confused. Steve looks at Darry who looks conflicted and unsure. Then he comes outside and we drive away without a glance back.

"What was that about...?"

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