Chapter 0 Part 1: The Line of Saironelloistya

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Her screams could have awakened the dead in the woods of Elorean, as Morelanor Estelondo pushed again, her labour painful and arduous.

Inside the hut, Aranellevanima held her daughter's hand as she felt Morelanor's life force ebbing from blood loss. The labour had gone on for six hours so far and tears moistened the cheeks of both daughter and mother as both knew that she would die in labour.

Outside the hut, Saironelloistya was trying to hold Saironellotoron II back from forcing his way into the small hut. Saironelloistya was misty-eyed, holding back his tears, but Saironellotoron II's tears flowed freely down his dimly lit face.

"Please," he begged, looking his father-in-law in the eyes. "Please, I just want to hold her hand. She should not suffer alone! I beg you, from son to father, let me go to my wife."

Saironelloistya's voice was hoarse and low, from his barely restrained emotions. "My son, husband of one I love, you do not want to go in. I know you love her, but your empathy for her is so strong that if you see her like this, your pain will never cease. Aranellevanima will handle this, and you will have your son."

Saironellotoron II glared down, before charging for the tent, barely being caught by Saironelloistya. Saironellotoron II was moments from cursing the gods themselves as he replied "My son, yes. But you know, as well as I do, that my wife, your daughter, will not walk out of that hovel." At that moment, Morelanor let out another scream of agony, and Saironellotoron screamed out, "Morelanor!"

Saironelloistya lowered his head, and said, "I cannot let you in. Your wife, my daughter, has ordered that you remain out here until it is all over."

Aranellevanima's voice rang out as they continued bickering. "Let him in, Saironelloistya. The time has come."

Saironellotoron ran into the hut. A weakened Morelanor turned her head toward him, pain, evident in her green eyes, but the pain could not dim their vibrant light, that struck him in the heart every time he saw it. "My... Love?" She took a breath and whispered, her voice quiet from the pain and her screaming. "Where... are... our children?"

Saironellotoron II smiled despite it all, as he knelt next to her, his boots quickly becoming covered in her blood. "They are with my parents, my love." He glanced around the hut, his eyes locking with Aranellevanima, who shook her head in response to his silent question. "I love you, Morelanor, Dark Star of Meneltarma. I will always love you."

She smiled in return, and replied, "I love you too, Saironellotoron, you are closer to me than anyone in this world, and I will always love you, melmënya."

Aranellevanima, who had been quiet up until this point, reached over, took their hands in hers, and quoted: "The love of an elf lasts forever." She nodded towards the door, "I will give you some time alone together." With that, she walked out of the small building.

Morelanor chose that moment to push, knowing it would be her last, and Saironellotoron felt her pain, as her shriek rocked the foundation of the building. He looked at her, and noticed two little feet, coming out of her genitalia, and he quickly shouted, "I see its feet!"

Aranellevanima did not reappear though, and the blood flowed from Morelanor more freely. She shook her head at him, and cried out, with one last push, "Tyelnya nase hí! My end is here!"

She looked at Saironellotoron, and put her bloody hand to his cheek, as he brought the baby to her. She inhaled and screamed, "Hínase le anna eva métimafoanya!"

Saironellotoron II lowered his head, knowing that what she said meant "Here is the gift of my last breath!" With that, her chest deflated, her body slumped, and the light in her eyes which she had been named for, faded into darkness.

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