Chapter Twenty-One: Searching for Breath

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"Research is so boring!" Faramaureä exclaimed for the fifteenth time in five minutes, as they sat in the Library of Copaostirion, the second largest in the land. The towering marble pillars which held up the ceiling were placed a few units apart, with oak wood shelves running in between them, forming a maze with seven unit tall shelves filled with knowledge, and newspapers, which was what they were searching in.

Percival let out an exasperated sigh and set down the paper he had been reading on the large cherry wood desk. "I agree that scanning newspapers is boring, but your complaining is just making it tiresome."

"Have you found anything yet," she asked whinging, as she rested a hand on the pillar, putting all of her weight on it.

"That is, in and of itself, the problem. There are too many papers saying that they know where we are. I have to cross-check every source, and most of them lead back to Meneltarma. If Gygax knew where we were, he would have captured us by now. They are just red herrings."

"Why did we not set up a system of communication again?" Faramaureä asked in irritation, as she slumped down into a chair opposite of Percival.

Percival lifted his eyes over the newspaper to look at her, and then folded up the newspaper and crossed his fingers. "I have explained this to you multiple times, Faramaureä. We did not want a system for Gygax to decipher; all it would take would be one Divination specialist who wanted a few coins and Gygax would capture us within minutes with a teleportation spell. It would not be feasible for us to use such a system of communication." He looked past her at the clock on the wall and proferred "Perhaps you could go and pick us up lunch, if you would like something to do. I think I still have a small portion of my mining money left that you can pay with."

Faramaureä jumped up, almost knocking over the chair in turn, grabbed her own coin purse, and was out of the door before he had finished speaking. Percival stood up and pushed in her chair. With a sigh, he sat back down in his own, muttering to himself. "Breaking News: Two of the Heirs spotted on the Outskirts of Helkaluksor." He chuckled as he read it. 

"Two elves, matching descriptions of Orónëminya and Métimafoa, were seen near the boundaries of the Dragon Territories in Helkaluksor. According to an anonymous source, they were seen venturing north toward the Castle Eastwatch and the Northern Sea, following the path of the Xitalmar. They were last seen following the division of troops patrolling that area but their location as of the present is unknown." Percival threw down the paper in irritation. "Damn it all! All sources differ after this one point!" There has to be someone who they interacted with. Orónëminya is too reliant on other people not to meet someone along the way. 

"Are you quite alright, sir?" A tall, aged tiefling woman, dressed in a grey cloak and soft brown moccasins, asked as she approached him, her concern unable to hide her smile lines from ages of laughter and cheer.

He jumped startled; he had not heard her approach until she spoke. "Do you have a maps section? I need a map of the whole land and more detailed maps on the boundaries of the Xitalmar."

She turned from him and walked into the shelving area without another word. Percival could tell from the rustling of paper that she was looking for something, and basic deduction led him to believe that she was searching for the maps. He heard her voice carry over the shelves as she asked, "I take it you are looking for the Heirs of Meneltarma, sir?"

"Yes," he answered, casting a surprised glance toward one of the small signs on the table that read "Be quiet; others are here too."

When he looked back up, it was just in time to watch her dump four leather-bound scrolls onto the table. He glanced once again at the sign, but all the sign earned from her was a smile and a shrug. "I have lived too long, sir, to believe that any rule should be followed unilaterally." She smirked as she opened the largest scroll. "Besides, I'm the librarian; who is going to yell at me?"

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