Chapter 16

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Quote sixteen: Sometimes life goes so fast, you don’t even realize what’s going on.

Extra quote: Even the sweetest thrive on revenge.

“So why don’t we get straight to the point.” Principal Lowes said.

“Okay.” We said in unision.

“I know you’re responsible for the drugs.”

“What drugs?” Bianca asked.

“How do you know it was us?” I asked.

“Where’s your proof?” Serena asked.

Principal Lowes moves a monitor in our direction and turned it on.

Sure enough, it was Bianca opening Claire’s locker and Serena putting the drugs in. At least they didn’t catch me taking Claire’s bag to the L+F.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Bianca cried.

I stayed silent in shock of what's happening. I thought- Kerri devised this plan to complete perfection. Maybe she sabotaged the plan on purpose for revenge. Some people just don’t move on. I guess the sweetest people thrive on revenge.

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to suspend Bianca and Serena for 1 ½ weeks. But as for you, Taylor, you will be sent to juvenile.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! All I managed to say was...


“Kerri says you’re the one who made the plan so you’re the worst of them all.”

I didn’t even notice the tears running down my face. I couldn’t cope to say anything. Not even that Kerri made it, not me.

“For… for how long?” I muttered.

“For six months.”

After that, I woke up in a hospital.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You passed out.” Mom said walking in.

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

“You’re still my child.”

“Clearly, you don’t care about your child since you tried to give me up for adoption.”

“That’s a lie.”

“Is it?”

An awkward silence took place.

I remember the last time I saw her. I was five, watching TV and two adults came up to me telling me their names. They were being super nice and my mom started to sign the paperwork in her hands looking at me with a blank expression. Then Dad ran through the door and snatched the papers out her hands. He told my “new parents” to get the hell out. Mom then packed her things and left. I asked Dad if she was going on a work trip and he told me “Yes, a long one.”

“You know, it didn’t take much long for me to figure out what was going on. After all, I was a smart five year old.”

“Your Dad told me you had amnesia. So that means you shouldn’t remember me at all.”

“He said that because he knew you wouldn’t come back and that you’ll be out of our lives forever.”

She started to frown.

“Well, I'm here aren’t I? Give me some credit flying all the way from Montana to Florida as quick as I could.”

“Actually, I wish it was Dad.”

“Um… about your Dad…”

“Rebecca. Where is my Dad?”

“… he died today in a car crash on his way to come and see you.”

“No… no… no…” I said starting to cry.

“I’m so sorry Tay. I just -“

I stood up and left my hospital room.

“Hey! Get back into your room! It's not safe for patients to leave!" The front desk lady shouted. But as usual I ignored her comment and went my ways.

I ran outside to the highest playground equipment and cried. I don’t even understand how this could have happen.

He’s my Dad. We were endgame. I don’t think I could live without him by my side. He won’t be at my graduation, my wedding, when I give birth. He won’t live to see any of that.

I can’t live with this. And did Mom come back to live with me again? No, I won’t let that happen.

I could either climb down from this sixty foot plastic tree, or I could jump off, and end it all. All the pain, guilt, and going to juvenile. Everything would be gone. One step is all it would take.

No, I can’t do it. I can’t even bite my lip without crying a river. How can I manage the excruciating pain? So many people would be hurt by my death.

I heard little kids laughing behind me. Were they laughing at me? I turned around and ----

“Ah!” I shouted.

“Taylor!” Sam shouted.

I saw him running after me. Will he catch me in time? Maybe the little kid pushing me off was God’s way of saying that it was the time.

A few seconds more.


A/N: OMG! THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! And I have exciting news! A publisher contacted me and i sent him the manuscript of this book and he said he would like to work with me! Yay! And thank you to everyone who read this book and i hope you enjoyed it! A sequel is already underway and sorry for the cliffhanger. I love cliffhangers. :) 

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