The Beginning

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She lied to the Hokage.

She lied to the Hokage.

Kurenai exhaled heavily and dropped her head into her hands. She'd only just become a jounin and this was the first thing she decided to do—lie. To the Hokage.

Falling back on her bed, she let her arms fall away as she gazed up at the ceiling. There wasn't much she could do about it now. She made her decision, gambled her luck on the strange kid who was beating the system, and was about to push her new team into heights of true shinobi. While it all had a chance of being a lapse in judgment and she might have very well sentenced herself to a life full of dodging the council for the sake of three twelve year olds, there were some key decisions she still had to make.

Like what type of team she would be cultivating, for one.

Kurenai picked a few she crossed out immediately: Analysis, Cipher/Cryptology, Sensor, Logistical Support, and Sealing. Analysis and Cipher/Cryptology teams were village-based and spent most of their time in book filled rooms puzzling out problem sheets. She might not know what her team would become when they grew into their full capabilities, but she doubted they would appreciate an off-the-field career—meaning that being in the Research Division was also scratched through.

They also couldn't be sensors because they hadn't the innate skill, and although they could learn, their technique wouldn't be as potent as someone who had the natural ability. Logistical Support fell as another category of Research, so that was out of the window as well. Then there was Sealing, which wasn't technically a branch of Research, but it held much of the same properties and required an intensive study of the nature of chakra and seal creation methods that she wasn't sure the whole team would be willing to grasp.

A Honey Pot team was out of the equation. There were extremely few occasions where a genin team rose to become one and, she could state with clarity, that her team was not one of those instances. The next type that came into deliberation was a Medical team. Maybe one of them could take up healing for the sheer benefit of having such a means to rely on, but she still wasn't sure if they could even summon healing chakra and there was a near zero chance of all three being able to do so, so that struck out Medical.

Kurenai tapped her finger against her chin. They wouldn't be a Torture/Interrogation team either since their abilities were ill-suited for such a job, and that most likely meant they wouldn't flourish nicely under the general umbrella of the Intelligence Division, like with Strategy and Tactics. Her team also wouldn't do too well in types of Defense teams considering their prowess leaned towards the offense side, so that was ruled out along with the Barrier and Escort teams. And even if she did say that they leaned towards offense, they weren't inclined to become a full Offensive team due to the nature of Shino's insects, Sakura's disposition towards genjutsu, and Kiba's inherent utilization of hit-and-run tactics.

They could be a part of the Local Investigation teams. Ever since the demise of the Uchiha, the Military Police Force had disappeared completely, leaving their duties shelved on top of the village to dish out, but there were already quite a few squads created in a place of what was lost and Kurenai didn't want her students' potential used on petty crimes like theft and vandalism.

That left five main teams: Infiltration/Reconnaissance, Rescue/Capture, Tracking, Sabotage, or Surprise Attack/Diversion. She supposed she could remove Surprise Attack/Diversion and Sabotage from the list as pranksters (or those with a rather dubious reputation or mischievous streak) from the Academy normally took up the help with their ingenious ideas and seemingly endless ways of avoiding apprehension. The closest one to a prankster was Kiba, but the only thing he'd gotten in trouble for were dismal grades and absences—not to say the three of them couldn't ban together and do it, but it didn't look like their style.

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