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A/N: Information on the sequel and epilogue will be given at the end of the chapter.

Warning: Mentions of animal cruelty, graphic violence, and gore. Like, a lot of graphic violence, with the sixth and eighth images depicting blood and injury.


What did it mean to seek answers for the sake of the truth?

"Why did you suggest to grant that team—Team Eight—a chuunin status?"

Mitokado Homura peered through his glasses at the man seated at his left. The conference room felt strangely empty without a Hokage to hold the fourth seat, yet there was a certain pressure in the air that only a person like Shimura Danzo could be capable of creating.

Utatane Koharu eyed her fellow councilman, curious as well.

"As mentioned before, Konoha is running low on upper division shinobi to undertake missions meant to replenish the funds used for reconstruction," Danzo answered. His fingers curled around the hilt of his cane. "Is the Nara not doing well on his temporary assignment as an Academy coordinator?"

"Working in-village is one thing, sending greenhorns to investigate a series of kidnappings in another." Homura sighed. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

"The leader assigned to them is capable and experienced. If the chuunin with him do not return, it's no loss to us, no?"

"They were aware of the consequences of such an instance when they accepted their mission," said Koharu. She turned, and the pin in her hair clinked. "Though I suppose it would be a shame if we lose them."

Homura raised a single brow. "Oh?"

"I could see their potential," she replied, wholly unaware of the storm brewing just beneath Danzo's skin. "Their poise at our meeting paired with their quick completion of the second task in the exams? It's been a while since I've seen properly trained genin like those."

Danzo leaned back against his chair as his unbandaged eye observes the other two with a level stare. Did Team Eight have potential? Certainly. They'd been smart enough to be one of the best and held that Will of Fire so close to their chests it burned.

Shame they struck their match against the wind.

"What of Jiraiya and your proposition?"

"He wouldn't take it."

"I could have told you that much."

"But," Koharu continued sternly, "he was more than willing to collect the next candidate and bring her in."

"You can't possibly mean—"

"Tsunade." Homura pursed his lips, the picture of doubt. "If she can be found, that is."



Kiba checked over his opponent with a snarl. Whoever she was might as well be the only person who actually looked excited for the fight and constantly looked up in the stands like a puppy waiting for a treat after being told to sit.

His gaze flashed after hers and landed on a balding man wearing a suit that could easily be worth two years' worth of C-rank missions, then his attention landed back on her. She wasn't even paying attention.

"You gonna keep makin' those goo-goo eyes at your dumbass boss or you gonna fight?"

Her face snapped to him and she growled. "Don't you dare disrespect the head of the Cerdo Foundation!"

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