Breathe In and Bleed

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The coliseum rumbled.

Thundering stomps drummed against the floors beneath the rings and rings of metal seats, and the cries and cheers of an audience who paid to see blood coat the dirt grounds shook the stale air. A chakra-chained dome draped over the arena and the twinkling jewelry of the elite that made up much of the market built up the equation of the scene, and to many, it couldn't be more beautiful.

There was an echoing tap of the announcer's mic and the crowd's howls dipped into murmurs as a jovial voice rang out of the speakers. A woman in a three piece suit stood in the center, her bright purple hair swept up in a mohawk and a microphone dangled from her gloved fingers.

"We're in for a special treat today!" she boomed, her excitement electrifying her words. "Four wee kiddies get to meet their grimy ends here—ain't that tragic? Shouldn't a' been crawling near Nezu and Co., but guess where they landed themselves? Here for your entertainment!"

Roaring laughter melded with the announcer's own, and she continued giddily. "Alright, alright, alright, let's cut to the introductions, shall we? Four brand new mice to play chase with! First we got a cutie out here, hair dark as night, skin white as snow, but we get to add those red lips when his teeth get knocked out by the next cleaver out here! Bring in Snow White!"

Sai was shoved into the area dressed in a black chest plate and a pair of black pants, his smooth abdomen exposed to the jeering onlookers and his customary smile plastered on his face. A tanto was clipped to a belt slung low on his hip as a parmula shield shone under the stark white lights in his grip.

"Next up we got a barbarian for you lot, cheeks painted red and fangs in his mouth." The crowd 'ooh'ed at the description, the thought of a wild madman conjured between their ears. "The nasty mutt plays a little too much with sharp things, and if you can't declaw him, find someone who can! Bring out Senbon, the runt, show him off!"

Kiba was pushed in next, his lips pulled back in a vicious snarl. They'd forced him into a leather breastplate and a bloodied skirt with cingulum armor swaying from his hips. The only weapon they'd given him was a pack of dull senbon, like the moniker they'd graced him with, and he could only stand next to Sai and wait.

In the stands Akamaru sat with his head in a metal head halter and his body in a matching metal harness. The end of the chain connected to a brilliant jeweled bracelet around the Nezu and Co.'s CEO's wrist.

A feral growl erupted in his throat at the sight.

"Now we've got a real mysterious third mouse in the ring today," the announcer cooed in her hideously condescending voice. "Came in hiding in a hu~uge jacket and absolutely refused to remove his glasses. Can you believe that? Well, whatever's behind those lenses we might never know, but let's allow the darling Nurse in the ring, shall we?"

Shino came out next in a sleeveless chainmail shirt, a manica to cover the entirety of his right arm, and an intercisa helmet fastened to his head. His insects hummed with rage and disgust just underneath his skin.

They were going to be subjected to a sport.

Taken. Branded.

Is this what it was like to be used?

"And last we've got the lassie with pink hair and just the most adorable button nose—but I guess appearances can be deceiving. A head as tough as a tool, that one, when she headbutted and cracked the skull of one of the escorting guards and tried to bite his arm off!" The coliseum exploded in crowing laughter. "Not quite the barbarian like Senbon, but close. Bright out Hammerhead, show her to the world!"

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