Chapter 9

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Norma and Alex entered the Italian Jerrie flat for the very first time and smiled at their daughters' flat design. They had come all the way here to see Jade's first game for Juventus and Perrie's concert afterwards. To say that they were excited to see their daughters again after such a long time would be an understatement.

That's why they went and looked for them in the flat, halting shortly when they spotted pieces of clothes thrown all around the flat.

"Should we really keep on looking for them? I mean it's clear what they have been up to yesterday", Alex asked slightly embarrassed.

"Oh c'mon it's natural. How did you think they had hickeys from time to time? Besides what did you think they did during their honeymoon? Holding hands?", Norma asked and entered the bedroom.

She was instantly met with her daughter's naked bum and her daughter in law's almost everything naked since the blanket didn't do such a good job covering them both.

"No but I didn't think they'd do it when they knew that we were com-", Alex stopped once he saw how obvious his daughter and her wife made last night's actions with this view, "Are they serious?"

"Obviously yes. We should wake them up though Perrie's got a soundcheck and Jade needs to prepare for the game", Norma told him while starting to shake the loved up couple. To their surprise the blonde woke up almost immediately, looking up at them shocked and blushed a deep shade of red.

"O-oh Hi dad, hi Norma", the blonde blushed even more and tried her best to cover both of them up, "What are you doing here?"

"You've got a soundcheck, you remember?"

"Does it have to be this early?", Perrie groaned, falling back into the bed.

"You scheduled it like this on purpose so that you can watch miss I can fuck your brain out's game", her father mumbled but the singer still managed to understand him.

"Ok, ok. I'll get ready and wake Jade up. But it'd be nice if you'd wait in the living room"

Half an hour and an awkward time trying to forget what happened later Perrie and Norma were en route to her soundcheck and Jade and Alex were on their way to the stadium. They split up like this since Alex was interested in how such a well known club like Juventus prepared for a game and also wanted to pick up a few things for his own team. Norma however, didn't really mind since she wanted to spend a bit of time with Perrie and her fans seemed to love her since to them she was hilarious just like Jade.

Some fans even had questions for Norma during soundcheck which made the older woman happier than ever. She also made sure to hint what she saw today when she walked into the Jerrie flat which made the fans go wild and the blonde blush furiously and change the subject right away.

Soon after they got to the stadium where relatively few paparazzi were waiting for them to arrive. It was like a breath of fresh air for Perrie. She couldn't walk a few metres without getting papped but here she could move freely and she loved that. She didn't wear any make up and didn't have to worry about being made fun of by some media outlet the next day.

She smiled to herself when she thought back to her and Jade's conversation yesterday after their little nap.

"Do you like Italy?", Jade had asked with worry in her eyes as they laid on the couch.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?", Perrie responded with a smile on her face.

"I don't know it's just I feel guilty since you love London so much and I know you love living there and well Italy isn't London"

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