e i g h t e e n

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I was debating on taking Norman up on the offer of faking my own death.

A week has passed since that day and every day since then, I've had multiple large men try to attack me. If Peter wasn't by my side all the time, who knows where I would be.

I stared down at the number typed out on my phone, Norman's card in my left hand. Peter was out doing his nightly duties, so I had no worries he would catch me doing this. I let out a breath and pressed the call button, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Norman Osborn's phone." a woman answered after two rings.

"Um, hi. I need to talk to Norman; this is, uh, Peyton Andrews."

"One second." the woman replied.

I glanced at Peter's window and took a deep breath. I had to do this; not just for my safety, but for Peter's also.

"Miss. Andrews," Norman said moments later, "Did you change your mind?"

"I did," I sighed, "I can't live with people trying to get me every day."

"I didn't think so. I already have a plan; I'll be outside your apartment complex in five minutes. Leave all of your belongings behind."

"Okay." I murmured, hanging up afterwards.

I stood from the bed and dropped my phone down onto the comforter. I slipped my shoes, opening the bedroom door. I listened for any sign May was still awake, not hearing a sound in the apartment. I took one last look at Peter's bedroom, tears filling my eyes as I realized what I would be doing to him. I let out a breath and shut the door behind me, quickly making my way out of the apartment.

I stepped out into the warm Spring air, wiping my face free from any stray tears and looking around. A door to a black vehicle opened, Norman stepping out shortly after. I quickly walked over to him, "What's the plan?" I asked, immediately getting to the point.

"Get in and I'll explain." he replied, nodding to the door behind his.

I sighed and got inside the car, taking one last look at the apartment complex, "How are we going to fake my death if I'm here?"

"We set something up down near the bridge; we get you down there, one of my men will be throwing you off of the bridge."

"Excuse me?"

"There's a ferry down right below where you'll be thrown. You'll be caught, no worries."

"Right," I breathed, "No worries."

- * -

I stood near the edge of the bridge, my hands shaking like crazy. I didn't want to be thrown off this bridge. I didn't want to leave Peter behind. My parents won't care, knowing that I'm out of the picture and don't have to worry about their asses being in trouble.

"Ready? We need to do this before Spider-Man shows up." a man said quickly, running up towards me.

"I- uh- yeah, I guess."

He nodded and lifted me over his shoulder, looking back over towards the crowd that was formed around everything happening, "Tell your little spider he should try and be a little quicker next time!" he shouted, holding me over the edge.

I screamed loudly, the screams of the crowd echoing mine. The man nodded at me before letting me go, more screams ripping from my throat. I soon landed on a blown up mat, my breath leaving my lungs instantly.

"Roll over here, hurry!" someone said quickly.

I did as told and looked up, my eyes furrowing in confusion, "Harry?"

He smiled slightly and shrugged, "Surprise. C'mon, we gotta hide you."

"How do you know about this?"

"Dad got me involved."

"Then you can tell Peter-"

"No one can know you're alive, Peyton." Harry sighed, "I'll help him get through it."

I looked down at my shoes and nodded, "Okay," I whispered, "How long do I have to do this?"

"As long as needed."

= Peter =

Aunt May wrapped her arms around me tightly, sobs racking my body. I gasped for air, only for more sobs to escape my lips.

"Peter, honey, breath," Aunt May said quickly, "It's going to be okay."

"She's gone!" I cried, shaking my head, "Spider-Man- he- couldn't- he wasn't-"

"I know, sweetie." she sighed, hugging me to her tightly, "I know."

I gently pulled away from her, tears steadily streaming down my face, "I just need to be alone."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and quickly made my way down to my bedroom, shutting my door behind me. I wiped my face, my eyes landing on Peyton's phone laying on the bed. I quickly picked it up, finding it odd she left it here while she was out. It was also odd she was out knowing she shouldn't be. I shook my head and fell back onto the bed, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out.

Something was definitely off about what had happened tonight and I'm going to figure out just what it is.

= * =

so yeah

Rick and Morty is the best show ever created. that is all 

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