Chapter 1

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I don't know how I've made it to today but I have. It's September 26th and that only means one thing – it's the day before the world finds out I'm dating Luca Madden. Although, I don't think you can class Luca and I as a couple still considering the fact I haven't seen or spoken to him in a good number of days. Nearly four weeks to be more precise.

Time has passed quickly which is surprising to me because I've mainly buried myself with work and night outs with Allison who still hasn't moved out of my flat. Having her there to help take my mind off of things has been rather helpful. I wouldn't be able to have gotten through those days without her and for that I'm grateful.

I've also been spending more time with Chloe which is weird considering she never wanted to spend this amount of time with me before now. I would say she feels guilty for something but here's nothing for her to feel guilty about. This was my choice to take a step back and think things through, not hers. She doesn't have anything to do with my relationship and shouldn't feel obligated to spend so much time with me like she is.

Declan reacted like we all knew he would. He lost the plot to point where he trashed everything in his room and it took my dad and his brother's to intervene. They took him to my uncle Dom's house who had converted his garage into a gym years ago, and allowed him to take his anger out on the punch bag he has. He spent hours there under close supervision from all three older Fletcher males. He came to see me the next day with my uncle Dom and we sorted everything out.

You can always rely on Dominic Fetcher to sort everyone in the family out. He's the oldest of the Fletcher brothers and when it comes to the only two girls in the family and the youngest male, he steps up and keeps us in line because of my dad's health.

Since that day, I've seen more of my family than I have in years. I don't normally see my family members unless it's a wedding, big birthday, or a funeral which is no doubt the same for most families out there. There's been a few family barbeques that has ended with the host having a house full of drunken guests that can't go home until the next day.

Days like that were the best days because you laughed and drank from the moment you got there until you passed out that night from the drink. Then, of course, you'd wake up and start laughing once more. It's unquestionably the best thing to do when you need to keep your mind on other things.

That is until you get to a day like today and for all you don't want to think about it or be the one to say something, someone has to address the elephant in the room.

"When was the last time you spoke to him?"

It's just so happens that that person is Chloe.

I eye Chloe from the kitchen as she slides her glasses up her nose and waits for me to answer her question.

"He text me the Monday after it happened to tell me he had gotten to America safely." I stir my coffee and tap the teaspoon on the side of the cup. "Other than that, I haven't heard anything from him."

"Have you decided on what you're going to do?"

I shrug and drop the spoon into the sink. "I thought giving us space would be best so we can get our minds in the right places. But now I don't know what to do. Time has gone by quick and it's like he never came back into my life."

"Well you're now into weeks and not days. I say you decide sooner rather than later because that news article he did is coming out tomorrow for everyone to read." She readjusts her sitting position on the couch. "Not to mention, from where I'm sitting you two aren't much of a couple."

I take a sip of coffee and lean on the worktop, my forearms flat against the cool surface as I hold my cup with both hands. "Will you read it when it does come out?"

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