Chapter 36

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I take Luca's offered hand in mine as I get out the back of the car, my other hand moving to pull the bottom off my dress down as best as I can with my clutch bag in that hand. Cameras flash here and there as we walk towards the entrance of Sweet Café for the grand opening party, Carlo and Jones paving the way for us as well as another three bodyguards behind us.

Upon reaching the entrance, Carlo holds the door open for us to step into the café and we enter the newly finished café that has changed a lot since all of us were last here. Soft instrumental music hits our ears before the chattering does, making us feel welcome before anyone approaches.

Tables and chairs are now in place, all of which are covered with white tablecloths that have a pale silver Damask satin band running along the edges. In the centre of each table, a small square vase containing bouquets of deep pink and white peony flowers. The same floral arrangements are placed along the counters but on a much grander scale with large hurricane vases housing lit floating candles spaced evenly amongst them.

"Welcome, Mr. Madden. Miss. Fletcher." A smartly dressed male waiter greets. He offers the serving tray to us that has two champagne glasses sitting on it. Luca and I take the offered glasses. "Enjoy your night."

Luca raises his glass to the male. "Thank you."

We walk away in the direction to where Fredrick is standing at a tall bar table, glass of champagne in one hand.

"Please tell me that's still your first drink of the night," Luca says loudly.

Fredrick looks at his best friend then down to his drink. "What else can I do other than socialise with people I don't know?"

"Isn't the whole point of tonight to socialise with those people irrespective of whether or not you know them?" I place my glass and bag down on the table.

"My wife knows them. I do not." Fredrick states. "I am merely one of two silent partners in this business establishment. I don't need to mingle with anyone here tonight if I don't wish to do so."

"How long have you been here for?" Luca queries, placing his glass down on the table near mine.

Fredrick pulls back the sleeves of his navy blazer and blue and white striped shirt sleeve to look at the time on his watch. His lips pucker as he stares down at the Blancpain rose gold and dark brown leather strap watch, the brown matching his shoes and belt that's wrapped around his waist on his light coloured chinos. "Seeing as it is now gone half eight, I'd say an hour and a half."

"Oh, tough break." Luca comments.

"Tell me about it. If I hear one more time about how big of a step this is for Jade to open a café here, I'm going to scream."

I smirk to myself at how easily annoyed Fredrick is. His demeanour changes each time I meet him, something I don't think I'll ever get used to. He can be happy and helpful one moment, angry and driven the next, then annoyed and bored. All of which can happen within a short space of time which can make it hard to comprehend at times.

"Where the hell were you two, anyway?" Fredrick's brow furrows as he stares at Luca. "You told me after our meeting with the lawyers that you'd be here at seven forty–five. No earlier. No later."

"Can't rush perfection, my friend," Luca smirks.

He takes a step back and holds his arms out to showcase his chosen outfit for tonight – much like what Fredrick is wearing but all in navy and black – then points to me. I gawk at him and reach my arm out as far back as I can and hit him hard on the upper arm.

"Don't you dare blame me," I warn. "I was the one waiting on you."

After showering quickly and doing my hair, leaving it down with light waves running through it, I focused mainly on my make–up. I sat for a total of thirty minutes – double my usual time – doing my make–up so it was perfect for tonight. I focused more on getting it right so the shades I picked went with my dress than I usually do. I didn't want to clash with my dress, nor did I want to go overboard and have people look at me like I'm an idiot who can't do something as simple as applying make–up properly.

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