Chapter 38

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"We still haven't found anything on Nadia." The one thing all of us didn't want to hear but we heard it loud and clear this morning. I can still hear the words echoing around in my head to this very moment in time.


It's been exactly three days, the whole weekend and Friday since Luca sent his private investigators out to track down Nadia's whereabouts and nothing has turned up. Not a single thing. Even with rechecking the last known places they had for her and following new leads, nothing has turned up.

The police have hit a dead end in their investigation with all of Luca's exes, all of which have alibies for the day Luca's apartment was broken in to. Even when they contacted Nadia's family, they all had an alibi for that day which didn't come as a shock to anyone.

It's been a long few days which seemed to only get longer with staying at Luca's parents while his house was repainted and a better security system was installed throughout. I'm not saying that things are perfect between Jane and myself, far from it, but it's not as bad as it once was. We have a mutual respect for each other that will only form to a stronger bond that will no doubt be key to the awkwardness that always hangs over us when we're in the same room together.

All in all, it's been infuriating when you take everything into account. The only good thing, for me, to come out of this whole situation is that my boss allowed me to have a couple of days off after all that's happened. Plus, seeing as I was scheduled to be in New York this week for work, anyway, it's sort of worked out well for me.

Although, even now as I walk in the direction of Luca's office with Trent next to me, I can't help but wonder if maybe someone within Luca's workforce had something to do with happened. It's a long shot but something that wouldn't be off the cards in my opinion. Saying that, it would be easy to discard that thought considering how much his staff are undoubtedly paid for working here. A few people glance at me but it's only momentarily like it always seems to be. I tune out the very few voices that fill the open-plan office area and focus my attention on where I'm walking.

The last time I made this walk, I was about to see Luca for the first time since he confessed to me that he had a daughter. A walk I never thought I'd do but if I didn't, we wouldn't be where we are today. We'd most likely still be apart and the ball would still be sitting in my court untouched but always within touching distance. I guess I have Nick to thank for that push which brought Luca and I back together once more.

"You can go straight in. He's expecting you," Trent tells me, holding one of the office doors open for me to enter. "This time around."

I can't help but smile at his comment which generates a wink from him as I walk past him and into the office. "Thank you, Trent."

"Not a problem, Miss. Miles."

He closes the door and I roll my eyes. I look at Luca who is watching me closely from his position behind his desk after hearing Trent's comments.

"The day I came to see you here, your dad gave me that cover name," I explain while taking a seat opposite him. I place my bag down on the floor by my feet. "Hence the tiny joke but obviously everyone knows differently now."

"And I'm happy they do," Luca responds calmly.

He looks back down at his desk then clears away the papers he was reading over into a neat pile at the side.

"So . . ." I sigh heavily.

"Nothing new," Luca fills in, knowing exactly what I was thinking and going to ask. "My father told me the police are considering putting out a warrant for Nadia's arrest if nothing turns up in the next twenty-four hours on her location."

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