Chapter 19

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By the time we arrive back home, it's just after nine in the morning and all Allison and I are fit for is our beds. We didn't sleep the whole plane journey which is more to do with Allison wanting to watch films on her iPad that had her kicking at me when it came to all the good parts. In the end, I ended up changing seats to sit next to her to watch the films which will save bruises from developing on my shins.

"Will there be anything you need?" Jones queries.

He places our suitcases just by the door when we enter the flat. I place my house keys and phone on the side table and dump my carryon bag on the floor by the kitchen door.

"No, I think we'll just be going to have a much needed sleep for the time being," I respond.

"Plus, Kaylee's gran will be by soon with a full week's food shop." Allison adds.

"Alright. If you need anything, I'm a phone call away." He bows his head at us and leaves, closing the door behind him.

I slip my jacket off and place it on a free hook near the front door. "I better call her and tell her we're back, actually. As well as texting Luca to tell him we arrived safely."

"You do whatever you want until your heart's content." Allison turns on the spot and walks into the spare bedroom she classes as her own. "Home sweet home, how I have missed you."

I watch her through the opened door as she flops onto the neatly made bed and sighs with content.

"My comfortable bed, I have missed you, too. You may not have a thing on the bed I was sleeping on in America, but at least you're mine."

I scoff and pick my phone back up.

Yes, the beds in the hotel were comfortable and you felt yourself just sink into them as soon as you lay down, but they don't have a thing on your own bed. There's nothing like lying down on your own bed because it's yours and you're in your own environment which is home.

"Kaylee, close the door. I forgot to do it," Allison's muffled voice instructs.

I reach for the door handle and close the door. I walk into my bedroom and sit on the end of my bed. I unlock my phone and send Luca a quick text to tell him that Allison and I arrived back safely, then call my gran.

The phone rings a few times before my gran picks up, her cheery voice causing me to smile despite my tiredness.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Morning, gran."

"Are you back home?"

"Yeah, we just got back not that long ago."

"I'm just heading out with your grandpa the now to get food. I'll get you some things and drop them off at yours. I might even send your grandpa up to the flat to hand them in."

"Don't force him into doing something, gran."

"I have one question for you; are you happy?"

I don't answer her question right away. Instead, I smile and lean into the phone. "I am."

"That's all he needs to hear. Wait a minute." I can hear her footsteps through the phone as she walks on the wooden floor down, which I can only think to be the hallway as that's the only place they have the wooden floor. "Walter, she's happy."

"What? Who?" My grandpa asks, confusion coming through his every word.

"Your granddaughter. Kaylee is happy again," my gran enlightens.

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