Chapter 25

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For all Luca worked most of the night, only stopping when I went to his office at two in the morning to get him to go to bed, I'm still surprised at how alert he is. He only had three hours sleep if he was lucky before getting up for the day and headed back to his office and stayed there until it was time for the two of us to leave.

I didn't press him on why he has been working so hard. I don't want to come across as being both angry and saddened at not getting his attention because I'm neither one of those. I want to be supportive but we both know all too well that his mum will go through him for everyone with how much he's been working.

The entire drive to work is done in silence. Luca is busy checking things over on his phone to delve into a conversation with me like he'd normally do. Carlo is driving like he always does and I don't expect anything else from him. I have to busy myself with something to fill the awkward silence and listening to my music does the thing.

Even when Carlo pulls up outside my office building to drop me off, Luca says and does nothing. He simply stares at his phone with an intense look on his face and I leave him to it. If circumstances were different, I'd be angry at him but I can't because he's dealing with something that requires all his attention.

"We'll pick you up at the end of the working day," Carlo informs before I close the car door.

"Thank you, Carlo."

I put my headphones in my bag and walk into the office. I glance the reception desk and groan a little when I see Pamela sitting waiting to sign all the workers in for the day.

Fucking brilliant.

I approach Pamela and hand my ID card to her. She doesn't make eye contact with me as she signs me in then abruptly hands the card back to me. I walk away without commenting on her abruptness and make my way up to my office.

"Your nine thirty meeting is here and waiting at your office," Pamela calls to me when I'm just about out of view from the reception area.

"That's fine," I call back to her. I walk up a few more steps and mumble, "You could have told me that when I was at the desk like a normal receptionist."

I walk up the rest of the stairs to my office. I smile at Jade when I see her standing next to Julia, chatting away about something that sounds an awful lot like fashion tips about what Jade is wearing.

"I would never be able to wear that," Julia comments. "I'd stand out too much and I don't like standing out in a crowd."

"That's the whole point in wearing a red coat," Jade smiles. "Especially for me as I'm dominated by strong-minded male business partners."

"But a white dress and red shoes to match the coat . . . I couldn't get away with that."

"When you're a boss, you have to dress like one."

"Saying that, Kaylee wore the red trousers yesterday," Julia mentions, nodding her head to me when I stop next to Jade.

"I had to wear them yesterday or else I would be clashing with Mrs. Blackwell today," I smile.

"We can't have that," Jade pretends to gasp. She reaches a hand out and fixes the embellished collar of my white blouse that must have turned up when I was taking my coat off on my way up the stairs. "You're always very stylish whenever I've seen you. I don't think we'll have the issue of clashing anytime soon when it comes to fashion choices."

I mention for Jade to come into my office and we leave Julia to get on with the work she has to do.

"You're early today," I state.

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