Chapter 27

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"I've marked you in as being out of the office until after lunch," Julia confirms.

I hold the handle of the umbrella tighter in my free hand and adjust my grip on my phone that's to my ear. "Thank you. I sent an email to Jackie last night and I'm just waiting for her response. Let me know when you get her response."

"Will do."

I nod and end the call, placing my phone in my bag.

A shiver runs down my back and I grip the handle of the umbrella with both hands. Seeing it pour of rain today wasn't surprising considering the time of the year we're heading into and the fact that the rain was so heavy last night that it woke me up. Normally, I'd sleep through when it's pouring down outside but not last night which goes to show how heavy it was.

The sound of an engine roaring forcefully towards me has me glancing down the road in the direction it's coming from. I take an instinctive step back as the blacked out Jaguar F-pace comes to a halt in front of me, causing a car that comes flying around the corner to my right to slam the breaks on and sound its horn in frustration at the beast of a car facing them head-on. I glance away from the other driver who is trying his hardest to pull around the Jaguar despite not being able to see round it due to how close to it he's stopped himself.

I step to the Jaguar and get in the passenger seat.

"Good morning," Jade greets. She takes the folded down umbrella from me and places it on the floor by my feet. "How are you today?"

"As well as could be," I admit.

"Same as me, then."

I put my seatbelt on and rest my forearms over my bag that's sitting on my lap. Jade pulls back out into the morning traffic, much to the fury of the male that still hasn't been able to get around her and who starts giving her the finger while swearing at her. We aren't driving for long before the leather seat I'm sitting on begins to heat up and warm my trouser covered legs. I look at the black glossed interior of the car and nod with a petted lip.

"I don't know why," I begin, "but I thought you'd be driving a different kind of car."

"This is Fredrick's car," she explains. "Jaguar is the car makes Luca and Fredrick use for work and seeing as they're in meetings all day and have to work, so I borrowed it for the day. I normally drive an Audi or a Bentley but they're in New York."

"How do you find driving in London compared to New York?"

"Not much different if I'm honest. Both are cities and busy. I just think New York is busier but when you have your own driver, it makes it seem less stressful and you don't really notice how busy it is."

I frown. "Don't you have your own driver here?"

"I would but my driver here is also Fredrick's driver who is his driver everywhere. So seeing as he's working, he's needed with him today."

I glance at the Audi that's been in front of us since we left my street. "Is that why you're following Jones so closely?"

She looks at me and I mention to the car in front with raised brows and a smirk.

"Figured that one out, did ya?"

I smile. "He's driven me around so many times that I know the make, model, and number plate of his car way better than I do with all the other cars Luca has."

"He was put in charge of you," Jade states.

"So Luca has told me," I harmonise.

"He never did that with Nadia," she confesses. "Not because he didn't want to but because she went everywhere with him and didn't seem to do her own thing. There simply wasn't a need to appoint someone to look out for her. Then she left and for all he did send out a private investigator to look into a reason as to why she left or where she was when they couldn't get in touch for over two weeks . . . she didn't like that."

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