Chapter 5

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Juliet's Pov
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        After Kasey was done with her shower she had went home. And now i'm sitting in my apartment deciding whether or not i should go see this person. They didn't even tell me there name or anything. I could get fucking kidnapped or something. eh. Might as well go to see what they want but if they look like there gonna do something i'm outta there. I was about to grab my board and leave before i got a text from another unknown number saying 'Hey! uhm please be careful when your meeting that person about our parents today. Be safe. Oh! This is Kasey btw. sorry i put my number in your phone while you took a shower...sorry.' 'I will be safe. Don't worry. And it's okay.' I walked out my front door and headed towards the park. 

20 minutes later-

        I got to the park in no time. I didn't see anybody around so i just sat on the swings. After about 15 minutes still nobody was here. Well this was pointless. I got up to leave but someone stopped me.  They were wearing a black hoodie with black pants and black shoes. wow. nice choice of color today aye. 

"Juliet. I'm glad you could make it." A deep mans voice said. Who is this guy?

"Who are you and why am i here? My parents died in a car crash when i was little. So what else is there needed to know." I said a little harshly about my parents but still hurt that they were dead. He sighed and stepped closer.

"Juliet...your parents didn't die in a car crash......they were murdered."

"w-what? no they w-w-weren't i saw t-them d-dead in t-the c-car..!"

"It was all a setup so the people who killed them wouldn't be hunted down and go to jail. I'm sorry buts its true." I couldn't hear this right now. I stepped back slowly. Still shock of what i just heard. I turned and left. I didn't know where i was going to but i needed to leave. All this time i thought my dad was drunk and crashed the car killing him and my mom but no.....someone killed them and made it look like they did it. I kept skating until is was to dark for me to see. I didn't even notice it was storming. shit i'm lost too. Fuck.  Maybe i could call Kas- NO. Hell no. She doesn;t need to see me like these. Not a chance. She probably couldn't even come to pick me up anyway. Or maybe she would? No. I don't want to bot-

"Juliet!!!" I heard a girl say from behind me. I know that voice. Kasey.

"K-kasey?! what the hell are you doing in this whether?" She chuckled.

"I could ask the same thing. I have been calling and texting you for hours. I got worried and i have been searching all over town for you. Are you okay? Did something happened?" Should i tell her? No. she doesn't need to know. Not now at least. Not ever maybe. 

"N-no everything's f-fine. Hey who didn't happen to bring your car did you because i would Love to get out this whether. I don't want  you getting sick." I siad with a fake smile hoping it was convincing enough. I had a made a skill of putting those fake smiles on. She just stared at me for a second before leading me to her car and driving me back to my place.

"H-hey uhm..sense you were l-looking for me all night and s-stuff. Maybe i could repay you by giving you some clothes and letting you...uhm..i don't know stay the night?" I half blurted out and half stuttered to. What the hell. Why was I like this. She just has this affect on me. 

"I would love that. Thanks." I smiled and she returned it. We got out and made our way into my apartment. She took a shower and we laid in my bed in silence. Not trying to sleep. Not awkward either. But a comfortable silence.

"uhm Juliet can I-"

"Yes" I knew what she was going to ask. And after a moment i felt  a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. And once again a blot of electricity shot through me.

"Goodnight Juliet."

"Goodnight Kasey" And with that i drifted off to sleep.

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A/N well i hope ya liked this chapter. sorry for the long wait. And sorry it was short. I will updates again soon. Stay Strong and Stay Beautiful<3

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