I Want You to Stay

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"Makes me feel like I can't live without you.

It takes me all the way.

I want you to stay."

~Stay by Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

Chapter 1.

I walk through the woods, bow and quiver over my shoulder. I hear screaming and more screaming. Two girls screaming.



"PRIM!! RUE!!" I scream back, looking for the direction they're coming from.

"KATNISS HELP!!" Rue screams, crying. Then I hear another scream, a man's scream.

"P-PEETA!!" I shriek, looking desperately for the direction. It seems to be coming from all around. "PRIM! RUE! PEETA, WHERE ARE YOU!!!?" Then all of a sudden, the screams stop. My nose is filled with the scent of white roses and blood, causing me to vomit.

"Oh Miss Everdeen. I thought we wouldn't keep secrets from each other."

"S-SNOW!! WHERE ARE THEY!?" I scream at the sky. He just laughs and I turn around. "Prim! Rue,Peeta!" I scream in delight to them standing there. But I stop. Their once beautiful eyes are all dilated to big, black pupils.

"You mutt." They all whisper.

"N-no, I'm not a mutt," I stammer. Suddenly, Prim's hand shoots at my throat. She's no longer weak and delicate. She's brutally strong and burly and it's scary. I can't breathe and look at Peeta. "Peeta, p-please, I l-love you," I gasp. He punches me in the nose and I scream, all going black.

"Katniss! Katniss, wake up!" My eyes fly open, my vision cloudy with tears. I'm screaming with sobs and jerking around. Warm, strong arms snake around me, restraining me from spazzing anymore. "Shh, Kat, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here now, shhh." A thumb wipes my tears away, allowing me to see once again.

"P-Peeta?" I croak. He smiles sadly at me, kissing my forehead.

"Shh, it's over now." I rest my head on his chest, holding him desperately and crying hard. "Shh, you're okay, I'm here now, shh." I shudder.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I hiccup, my fingers stroking his soft blonde curls.

"Don't be sorry, Katniss. I just don't want you to be scared anymore." He whispers in my ear.

"You-you heard me from your house?" I whimper, tears still falling down my face. He kisses my cheek softly.

"Yeah. But it's okay. You're safe now, no one can hurt you." I burry my face in his neck, crying softly into the soft tissue there.

"Promise?" I whisper.

"Promise." He rocks me softly, calming me down. I feel so safe in his arms, not wanting them to leave me cold. I start feeling drowsy, half asleep and half awake. I start feeling Peeta leaving, taking his warmth and steadiness with him. I start crying again. "Oh no, shhh, I didn't know you were still awake, I'm sorry," he coos, gathering me back up in his arms.

"P-Peeta, please don't leave." I sob, wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel his tense.

"Don't worry, I'll be right next door," he whispers. I cry harder and cling to him.

"Please, no, I'm too scared, I need you, Peeta, please," I beg. He sits up and takes my face in his hands, rubbing the back of my neck. His eyes are brimming with tears.

"Baby. You know I love you. So much. But that's why I can't sleep with you. I-I can turn into a mutt at any given time and-and I can hurt you again and I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'm only doing this for you." He whispers. I can't stop crying. Will he really leave me? "Shh, now I'll be right next door," he stands up to leave.

"N-NO!!" I shriek, trying to reach him. "Please, Peeta, nonono!!" I wail. He turns to me with tears streaking down his face. "Please don't go, please, I-I love you!" Heavier tears fall down his cheeks.

"Katniss, I-I can't, I t-turn into a mutt every night, I can't, I can't hurt you again, I'll never forgive myself," he says, his voice cracking.

"Whatever happens it will be alright, I swear, please don't leave," I cry harder. "I want you to stay, please," He closes his eyes tight, opening them again a second after. He strides over to the bed and picks up my crumpled body in his strong arms, both of us crying into the others shoulder.

"You know I can't leave you," he gasps.

"You-you almost did," I whimper into his shoulder.

"I'm-I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I'll never do it again,"

"So will you stay tonight?" I choke, resting my cheek on his shoulder. He's silent for a moment before sitting us down on the bed.

"I will." He whispers.

"Th-thank you so much," I sob, kissing his forehead. "You won't regret it."

"Now Katniss, you listen. If I hurt you tonight, I'm not doing this again." His face looks like he's in pain. "Baby, if I-I hurt you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll leave if you want me too, I'll never bother you again." This shatters my heart.

"I'll never want you to leave, Peeta. Please, don't ever." I beg. He nods while silent tears fall down his face. He kisses my cheek.

"I won't. I promise." He lies down, pulling my body on top of his own. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. I burry my face in his chest, stroking his hair.

"Whatever happens it'll be alright." I reassure him. He kisses the top of my head and I drift off into a peaceful sleep.


My eyelids lift drowsily caught by the shimmering morning sunlight. A soft, cool breathe beats against my forehead, and I look up. Peeta. It's Peeta. He didn't hurt me last night. My face breaks into a huge smile as a sit up and kiss his sleeping lips. After a minute, they curl into a smile against my own. I pull away and smile at him.

"Hey there beautiful." I smile at him.

"You didn't turn into a mutt last night." His face is blank, then splits into the biggest smile I've seen in such a long time.

"Oh my god." He sits up. "Oh my god! You're right!! I didn't hurt you! Oh my god!!!" He exclaims, pulling me tightly in his arms. I wrap my own around his neck, laughing along with him.

"You did it, baby, you did it!" I laugh. "So, like, will you stay over more often?" I ask timidly. He backs up and grins, those perfect teeth making an appearance.

"Yes, whenever you want me to stay, I promise, I won't hesitate." He kisses my cheek. "And do you know why I didn't turn into a mutt last night?" He whispers.

"Why?" I ask, ruffling his curls.

"Because you were here to stop me." I snort.

"Naww. That's what you do for me." I smile. He chuckles.

"Say whatever you want. But that's how it is." He kisses me and scoops me up over my shoulder, standing up. I laugh uncontrollably.

"What are we doing?" I cackle as we jogs out if the room.

"It's cheese bun time!" I'm up and sprinting ahead of him as he chases me, both of us laughing like maniacs. Sometimes we act like we're 16 again. But if anyone deserves to live the childhood they never had, its us. And that's just what we do. Just this time, deeply in love.

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