The Crazed.

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"The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath."

~ Led Zeppelin, The Battle Of Evermore

Chapter 4.

My eyes slowly drift open, a soft breeze wafting over my face and body from the open window. I pull the blankets tighter around myself before terrifying realization hits. Peeta sleeps with widows open. I am not in my own house. I sit bolt upright and look around. Oh God no. I throw the covers off and breathe out the biggest sigh of relief. I'm clothed. But then why am I here? I feel anxiety starting to build in my chest. Why am I here. I stand up on shaking legs and yank the comforter around me as I shuffle down the stairs, hands wringing nervously. I tiptoe down the stairs, feeling locked in this imprisonment, and merely looking for the keeper of the keys. I peek nervously around the corner and see a tall, blonde, curly haired man, flipping pancakes. I feel my knees lock. This is Peeta's house. He suddenly turns around to grab more flour and he sees me, my eyes going wide and I duck back behind the wall.

"Katniss!" He says, I hear his uneven footsteps coming for me. I sit on the steps and pull the blanket around me tighter, trembling harder and harder as the steps get closer. He then appears, looking around the corner at me with a concerned look on his face. "Katniss!" He says softer, kneeling down to my height.

"W-Why am I here?" I squeak, fear vivid in my voice. His blue eyes go soft and my own eyes fill up to the brim with tears. "Wh-wh-what did we do last night?" I hiccup, tears sliding down my face by now.

"Heyy, shshshh, we did nothing, I promise," He whispers gently, touching my shoulder. "Do you not remember anything from last night?" He whispers. I shake my head, only remembering going to bed in my own bed.

"Wh-why did you bring me here?" I say louder, getting angrier. "What do you want!?" I yell, starting to make the hideous choking sounds once again. His eyes are wide, he looks attacked. "WH-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME!?" I wail, trying to push myself back up the stairs away from him.

"Wait." He says softly, his tone making no sense whatsoever. I freeze, only sound in the room the noises I'm trying to muffle. He reaches out slowly for my hand, it's not forcing, it's a request. I look from him to his hand, biting my lip. I slowly stretch out a shaky hand to him and he takes my small, spazzy in his own large, calm one. "It's okay. I promise." He says, not breaking eye contact. I stare back, open mouthed and unable to look away.

"Why am I here?" I croak shakily. He smiles softy and pulls me up to my feet, my free hand wrapping around my ribs defensively. His calm blue orbs sink into my own stormy grey ones. He's being careful, treating me like a wild animal, able to be scared away any second.

"I made breakfast. Come have some." He whispers softly, tugging my hand the slightest bit. I oblige and follow him, not wanting to let go of his hand at all. I sit at the counter and am forced to let go of him when he goes to ready me a plate.

"Smells good." I say quietly. He smiles over his shoulder at me and brings the two plates over to us and sits down next to me.

"Thanks. Now eat up, you look famished." I'll admit, I'm starving. I dig hungrily, yet carefully into my plate, eyes darting around and becoming more comfortable in his house. Once we're finished eating I watch him and he watches me.

"Why'd I wake up here Peeta." I whisper. He still hasn't told me. He looks at me sadly and sighs, holing his chin in his hand.

"You really want to know?" He whispers quietly.

"I think we've established that." I say and he just gives a small smile. He looks from the floor, then back to me, gnawing on his lower lip.

"You had a nightmare." I freeze.

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