Chapter VI • We Few Bastards

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Cersei was quiet as they exited the mess hall. Her steps seemed calm and cool, far too collected for someone who had been enjoying the boisterous crowd within. And despite her bare arms and the frigid night, she did not shudder at the cold as even the King's guard had. And her reaction to her husband's infidelities was as collected as could be- after all she must've gone through Lyon imagined she was a no-nonsense woman.

"I admire you, your Grace."

"Oh," she turned only partially to view her. "And why is that?"

"You must have gone through much as Queen. It is a responsibility many would crumble under, with all that it entails."

"You speak of my husband's... hobbies, don't you?"

"I hint at it, your Grace. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I am rather forward."

"No, do not apologize. I have seen you, you know." She said, coming to stop at a wall where she sat. Lyon seated herself next to her, folding her hands over her lap. "You are very watchful of your siblings. I see myself in you in the way I protect my children."

"I would kill for them in order to keep them safe."

"But would you lie and manipulate them to keep them safe?"

Lyon paused for a moment, then found the queen's eyes watching her. Unblinking, Lyon stared back at her. "Of course I would. This family speaks highly of honor and self-sacrifice, but what use is it if it gets you killed? I will do what I must to ensure survival. Thankfully, things are simple in the north."

"I would like to see you in the south. It would suit you well. You would blossom in King's Landing." As she spoke she lifted a hand and ran it through Lyon's hair, eyeing it closely yet seeming uninterested at the same time.

"It is a place I would very much enjoy to visit, your Grace."

"You may just. The King has made a proposition to your father, inviting him to be his Hand."

Lyon found herself frowning. "Father did not tell me this."

"No? Perhaps he does not mean to take you with him, although I do believe he plans to marry your sister Sansa to my son, Joffrey."

Lyon tried to retain composure. "She speaks highly of him, your Grace. He seems like a charming young man, and I would be quite honored to have him as my brother-in-law."

"Yes, well, all that aside I do believe your future is in King's Landing. I would abhor it if you were kept from seeing the world, such a bright young girl as yourself should experience different locale." Cersei's eyes glimmered. "You have a bright future."

"Thank you, your grace. That is very kind of you."

"Hm. No need to thank me. Now, I find myself catching a chill. Will you accompany me back inside?"

"With your permission, your grace, I would like to stay here a little longer. I will gladly return to the festivities in a few short minutes." Lyon smiled and rose as she did, curtsying as she returned indoors. Alone, Luon breathed a deep sigh and looked to the stars and sky, twinkling above. Now her bare arms felt the chill of the night, but it was a feeling she was very used to and had grown to enjoy as a comfort.

She closed her eyes as the breeze picked up and caused moisture to come forth from her eyes. Unseen footfalls sounded in the snow, crunching as someone came from behind. Her eyes sprung open and she turned, finding herself looking down at the only man that could possibly be Tyrion Lannister.

~ ~ ~

He looked up at the golden-haired beauty standing in the moonlight, a forest green dress trimmed in gold spilling past her ankles. Her rosy skin glistened with the moon, and as she turned, he met the almond eyes several shades greener than the dress.

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