Chapter XI • Like a Spider in The Shadows

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A month in Kingslanding. A month to catch up with the mother Lyon had never known, and each chance she had she made sure she was at her mother's side. There was so much more to know, so much to be told about her father.

"You were a whore? How in the hell did you manage to get a place like this?"

"Your father was quite wealthy, as you can imagine. When I told him I had you in my belly he made sure to set me up nicely." Alora chuckled quietly from her seat.

Now that hostilities lay at rest, Lyon was quite content to sit across from Alora Pyre and listen as she regaled tales of her childhood and pregnancy.

"Were you his favorite? Woman, that is."

"I do believe I was his favorite whore if that's what you're too afraid to say." Alora's eyes twinkled. The sun hit her golden blonde hair, making it look like a fierce flame. "All his other girls were killed. Only I remained."

"And why was that?"

Alora shrugged. "Hard to tell what goes on in a man's head."

"It depends on the man. Many are simple." Lyon glanced at Alora with a faint grin. "I knew a simple man. With simple needs."

"Do tell." Alora leaned forward in her seat, reflecting the grin.

"Theon Greyjoy. I can't count how many times I've been with him. Short instances. Never knew how to please a woman." Lyon sighed, leaned back. She watched shadows pass outside.

"Do you miss him?"

"He wasn't exactly kind, and we grew apart before I left Winterfell. I won't miss it if I never lay with him again." Lyon stood, suddenly thirsty and went for the pitcher of water. She poured her glass and sipped it tepidly.

"Is he the only one?"

Lyon sighed, then shook her head. "One of my father's men, Jory Cassel. Far better than Theon. More methodical. That was about a week ago." As Alora giggled, Lyon found the laughter falling from her own lips. "Gods, I can only imagine what would happen if ever my father knew."

"I'm sure Lord Stark would be more displeased with his man than you."

"That's why I'm afraid." Lyon chuckled. Suddenly, she rose. "I'd best be off. Father has been complaining about my tardiness lately."

"Travel safely, darling." Alora rose as well, coming to stand before her daughter. She cupped her cheek in her hand. "Your mother loves you."

The ghost of a smile lit Lyon's eyes. "I know." She turned away from her mother and was out the door.

Lyon walked for some time, detouring through the streets and enjoying the sun upon her bare arms. That was when she heard familiar voices.

"I thought that she'd be safest here. One of several such establishments I own."

"You're a funny man. A very funny man."

She heard them, clear as day. Alora had taught her to hear much within the city, knowing it was a dangerous place and all. She heard Petyr Baelish and her father, heard the sound of Petyr hitting the wall. Lyon turned the corner then, and there she hid, watching as her father pinned the man to the wall. She had seen Littlefinger before, often in the Small Council her father had his place in.

"Ned?" A voice came from above, and a head poked out of the window. Lyon's breath caught in her throat as she caught sight of her own mother from the window. Ned Stark quickly hurried inside the brothel, Littlefinger following quick behind him. Seeing that the area was clear, Lyon found herself hurrying inside after them. Not a man or woman saw her enter, or even pass up the stairs. Alora had often told her that nothing happens in Kings Landing without someone seeing, but Lyon found herself with a natural knack for it. She enjoyed the rush in her blood as she paused before the door her father and mother disappeared within.

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