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Since she could remember, death had been a part of Lyon's life. It had been so long ago that she saw her first execution that she couldn't remember how old she had been, and had seen so many since that time that she couldn't remember how many heads had fallen to the ground with sickening thuds. It was so much different when it was her father's head.

Everything that led up to Ned Stark's execution happened in a blur to Lyon. She remembered arms dragging her along onto the platform where the headsman and the block sat. She remembered seeing her sister Sansa standing beside her, but could do little but hold her. Lyon's limo grip offered little comfort.

"You don't have to watch, Sansa. I'll watch for both of us."

Lyon couldn't tear her eyes away as the blade sliced clean through Ned Stark's neck, and just like that, he was gone. She had no tears left to cry, no energy to do anything but watch the head roll across the ground. Somewhere in her belly, there sparked the kindling for a great fire.

This was going to be a whole chapter, but I decided to just cut it short and sweet as an epilogue, but this is the end for now! I know it's not as satisfying an ending, but I'm going to work on the next installment that follows her story in season 2. Happy reading! And thanks to everyone who has been a part of this throughout its development. I'm excited for the story to continue!

Book 1: Prints in the SnowWhere stories live. Discover now