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Xavier Grey and Gavin Smith messaged you

what could they possibly want from me?

I read Gavin's message first. He sent me 2 messages.

Gavin Smith: Hi Bella! :) You want to hang out sometime?


I replied

Bella Owens: hey. I am not dead. And it would be alright. When?

And of course, I read Xavier's message.

Xavier Grey: Bella! I need your help!

I waited for 15 mins. then replied

Bella Owens: what do you need?

While waiting I was chatting with Gavin. Looks like I was wrong, he isnt annoying. He's kind... He asked me to go out with him to some fancy resto his parents own.

Xavier suddenly replied, you know what did he say? "Nothing :). I just said that so you'd reply. We should hang out. How about saturday? "

those words made me feel cold.

I told Xavier that I had plans... plans with Gavin. I logged out my facebook acc. and went to bed.


"That's weird. I havent heard from Diana since Saturday." I checked my phone to see if there were any messages from her.

"Maybe she's sick." said Jake.

"Maybe..." I frowned a bit.

So, I was walking at the school hall with Jake. Guess what, we saw Diana. We ran to Diana "Hey Diana" I said smiling. she gave me a sheepish smile. I knew something was up.

"Umm. Hi Bella"

I looked at where Diana was facing

"Oh, hey Gavin." My eyes lit up.

"Dont forget me! I'm Jake" Jakes said, doing some bro fist to Gavin.

The Bell rang

"Better get going. Or else we'll end up at detention. Catch ya guys later." Gavin said as he ran backwards

"Bye Bella" He winked and left


Lunch time!

Same table of course, I was sitting accross Diana.

"What were you and Gavin talking about? " I asked

"Non of your beeswax missy." She winked

"Okay fine." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pizza

After a while Jake came. He sat beside me. He had 2 slices of pizza. I took one and took a bite. I like taking food from Jake. Happens a lot. Like when we were kinder. He had 2 cookies on his hand, I took one away from him. Good times..

"Hey I was going to eat that." He said with his cute grumpy face.

"It's already gone, there's another one on your plate." I said sticking out my tongue.

I checked my watch, It was almost time. I took a sip of my water and left the canteen dragging Jake with me because we are at the same class.



Today's my date with Gavin Smith. It feels weird saying "date". So of course he was going to pick me up. Diana told him my Address. I fixed myself and I wore a dress. It was brown and I wore a white cardigan. I just wore my white vans. I dont like heels. I rarely wear heels. So I was at my room sitting infront of my laptop on my study table.

knock knock

"Bella, I think your date's here" Said Ally

I grab my bag and open the door. I lock my room and put the key in my bag. I dont like leaving my room unlocked because my sister likes to tour my room. If you know what I mean. I said bye to my sister and went outside. I saw Gavin wearing a red polo and black skinny jeans.

"You look beautiful." he winked

"Thanks." I smiled

He opened the door for me and went in the car. Most girls would fangirl about this but It's normal for me.We arrived at his parents resto. It was rather fancy. And guess what, we sat with his parents. It's really weird. But his parents are nice. We all got along and his mom is really kind. His dad too. After eating dinner his parents took a picture of me and Gavin. After that they left me and Gavin. There was a little garden at the back of their resto. We walked around.

There where lighs above and there were little lanterns. It was cute. There were beautiful flowers everywhere, well it was a garden.

"Your parents are cool" I said smiling

"It looks like they like you" he laughed a bit and looked at me.

His eyes met mine and it just looked magical. yeah, I said it. Magical. But not like the omg-I-saw-a-unicorn kind of magical it was like My-favorite-boy-band-member-said-hi kind of magical.

"I guess they do."

We continued walking and he held my hand. He.Held.My.Hand.My.Hand.

I had butterflies in my stomach.


We were both on my doorstep.

"Thanks for tonight" I smiled

"No, thank you.. " he laughed a bit

Awkward. I went in and opened the door and waved at him and shut the door

"Look who's back." Ally had a bag of chips at her hand


"Want some?"

"No thanks."

"So how was your date?"

"Meh, I had dinner with his family."

"OMG, HIS FAMILY?" I heard another voice from the kitchen. I heard footsteps and it was Diana. She tripped before she approuched me. She's clumsy, believe me. I told the two about my night. They were fangirling, making oooo sounds, and they were asking if I kissed him. First date with a guy you just got close with in a new school, And they expect me to kiss him on our 1st date.

W T F is all I can say.

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