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I week later

"what you doing love?" the brunette questioned, hugging amber from behind as she worked at her desk.

"well," she said, spinning around to look into her boyfriend's face, "my article just got approved!"

she smiled as she saw his face light up. "that's amazing!" he exclaimed, "So do you want to go out and celebrate?"

amber's face fell, "sorry love, I've still got to edit and do all this other stuff you'd probably care less about."

fionn tried not to look too disappointed. "alright, I'll go and get takeout, ya?"

she grinned, kissing him on the cheek. "thanks." she then turned back to her computer and continued her writing.

the whole week, amber had been working night and day. she had decided she could use her platform as a journalist to make a difference, something she had always wanted to be able to do. she had been writing about the coffee shop nonstop, describing the warm scent of cookies and the welcoming ringing of the door bell.

her hope was that somehow, people would take her advice and visit la cup. if everything went to plan, the place would be up and running in no time.

thankfully, her idea and first draft had been approved, which was the first step of many to publishing her work.

she took a sip of her coffee, the one thing keeping her awake right now, and finished her paragraph describing the wonderful lighting the store provided.

an hour later, longer then it usually him to get food, fionn loudly opened the door.

amber listened to his familiar voice but was confused as she heard a new female voice follow.

"oh thank you!" the voice said, with a high pitched giggle.

amber decided to go and investigate like the journalist she was. she stopped at the top of the stairs and watched as her boyfriend offered to take the some girl's jacket.

amber definitely did not recognize this girl. she had bright red hair placed in a curly ponytail on top of her head.

amber cleared her throat loudly, catching the two's attention.

"oh amber!" fionn exclaimed, seemingly as if he had forgotten she lived there. "this is gwen," he said awkwardly, swaying side to side. "she used to work at la cup with me. i just ran into her."

amber smiled, it had been awhile since fionn had introduced her to any of his friends.

"nice to meet you!" she said, as sickly sweet as she could.

"back at you! fionn told me about you, amber right?"

amber blushed, knowing that fionn probably gushed about her just as much as she did to him.

"so, how come I've never met you before?" amber asked, keeping up her sweet voice.

"well, I went off the medical school, but now I'm back and better than ever!" the girl, gwen, replied in a squeaky voice. she gave fionn's shoulder I tight squeeze, causing amber's eye to twitch.

fionn stood, glancing between the two, awkwardly until amber decided to break the silence.

"I'm gonna make tea. does anyone want tea?"

"I'll have a ginger tea, thank you." gwen answered, immediately turning her attention back to fionn.

amber hurried to the kitchen and soon returned with two cups of tea.

"yes! we could invite jeremy and nicole and maybe quinton, i heard he's in town!" she heard coming from gwen's shrill voice as she returned to the living room.

amber handed over the tea and then waited idly, feeling like she was laying a blanket of silence over their conversation.

Finn cleared his throat, "so, amber, gwen and I were going to head over to the bar to meet up with some other friends, do you wanna come?"

amber felt some sort of disappointment flood into her stomach, either towards herself or fionn. amber knew perfectly well that she had loads of work to do but thinking of fionn going with this girl and a bunch of other strangers made her stomach turn. she wasn't even the jealous type, she just didn't like the whole idea.

despide all the negative thoughts, amber decided against going. "I have tons of work to do, so, uh, I better stay home."

now it was fionn's turn to look disappointed. "that's what I thought, ok gwen, let's go." he said monotone, grabbing his jacket and keys.

amber frowned, she was writing this article for fionn, so why was he always so upset about it?

as soon as the two left to go to the bustling city, amber slouched back at her desk. she took a sip from a new cup of coffee, much more bitter than the hot chocolate fionn would make for her. she thought back to the their first date through the flower gardens and how happy she was then. looking at her dull life now, it made her realize how the need for adventure still flooded inside of her.

she ended the last sentence of her paragraph with a period, and got ready for bed, waiting for fionn to make his way home.

she fell asleep, with many thoughts flying through her head and without fionn's warm arms wrapped around her.

SORRY I HAVENT UPLOADED IN SO LONG!!! I just started school so I've been pretty stressed with that. so now I'll try to upload at least once a week. thank you for understanding


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