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"the coffee shop couple" they were called.

amber had made it a habit to visit fionn after work every evening. she would walk in, holding her signature messenger bag and order her signature hot chocolate.

coworkers began to recognize her and come up with their own nicknames, never failing to make her laugh.

"oi fionn! your girlfriend's here. again."

"fionn! hot chocolate girl just walked in!"

"um fionn, the intimidating smart girl's here. she probably wants to see you."

and everyday fionn would come from the back door wearing his same yellow apron and greet her with the same adoring grin.

they had fallen into a routine, and amber wouldn't change it for the world.


"you've got to be kidding me." fionn laughed, playfully shoving amber.

"no I'm serious! sherlock and john were definitely in love." she exclaimed, shoving him back.

"no way! he was married!"

"yes, but that was only to mask his true feelings for sherlock!"

fionn snickered. "you're crazy."

"maybe, but you can't deny that there was definitely some tension there." she argued, grabbing fionn's hand.

"fine, I guess I'll have to rewatch it and you can point it out to me."

"mission accomplished!" amber said with a laugh.

it was saturday evening, and the couple were walking home from dinner. tonight was official their "one month anniversary" and fionn had insisted he took amber out to celebrate.

the dinner was nice, other then feeling completely out of place in such a fancy restaurant, the two had a lot of fun. now they were heading home, cracking jokes and overall enjoying each other's company.

"do you want to go on a hike?" fionn asked suddenly.


"there's this really pretty trail that's great for sightseeing! we can get there by sunset if we take a cab!" fionn exclaimed, sounding genuinely excited.

amber smiled, enjoying how passionate fionn was about this. "what are we waiting for? we have a sunset to catch!"


"here we are," fionn said, grabbing amber's hand and pulling her into a clearing. "isn't it beautiful?"

amber stepped through a mass of tree branches and looked up to see the unusually clear london sky. "it is," she murmured, at a loss for words. "I've never seen the sky so clear."

he nodded, an entranced smile on his face. "i used to come here all the time with my mates during college. i never really had a chance to come back once reality settled in."

amber rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "thank you for taking me here, it's beautiful." she looked into his eyes and detected a hint of sadness hidden behind them.

fionn cleared his throat. "my mother died." he paused. "of cancer, four years ago. we spread her ashes here."

amber turned to face him. "oh fionn, I'm so sorry. i can see why this place is so special for you."

fionn had always been a personal type, so amber was glad he was finally opening up to her. she felt that this was a step farther in their growing relationship.

"anyways amber, I brought you here, because, well," he scratched his neck, something he always did when he was nervous. "i really like you amber. i uh, well, i love you."

amber couldn't believe her ears. sure, she knew fionn like her but she didn't know he liked her that much. in all honesty, amber was over the moon.

she smiled and wrapped her arms around the nervous boy. "i love you too, fionn." she whispered, softly brushing her lips against his.

amber couldn't imagine her life without the brunette boy by her side, everything he did made her life all the more better. staring up at the stars, hand in hand, amber knew her life would only get better. or would it?

no spoilers but, things are about to get sad. mwahahaha


hot chocolate//fionn whiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now