t h i r t y e i g h t

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"Why'd you commit domestic abuse?"

s i g h

"She was really pushy, and demanding. And pretty much acted like a rich, lazy girl who had everything done for her.  I had just gotten home from a thirteen hour day on set, and just wanted to eat and go to bed. However, she had different plans. She started to scream at me for trying to take care of myself, when she desperately needed her stupid shoes to be taken off for her. She flipped when I didn't do as she commanded, so she started yelling at me some more. Took of her shoe and chucked it at me. She missed me, but hit a lamp. I started being snarky, so she snapped and stalked up to me. I had enough of her screaming, and slapped her. She made it up to be much worse than it actually was, and who would believe me over her, the pretty girl with the perfect attitude? She claimed that I had shoved her against the counter and thus broke the lamp, that I had taken her shoe and beat her with it. She had taken her own shoe and given herself bruises to prove it. Really, it was stupid and a toxic relationship that I never should've gotten into in the first place. It was what put me off of dating." 

"I.....oh my goodness, J." 

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