Chapter 6

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It was show time. 5 minutes to be exact. I was performing on my own, but before I do that, I was on with 1D. But they were first up. Shit. Hopefully performing with them would calm my nerves a bit. I was pacing up and down the dressing room. What if I mess up? What if they don't like me? Thoughts rushed through my head. "Baby you ok?" Michael asked me. "I'm really scared." I said almost crying. "Bub don't cry, you'll be fine." Michael assured me. "Besides, the boys and I are performing Teenage Dirtbag with you." He smiled. "I guess your right" I wiped my eyes. "If they don't like me, well haters gonna hate!" I laughed. "Hey I see what you did there!" Michael laughed. "I love you Michael." I said. "I love you too baby, you'll do great out there." He said sweetly. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Tahlia. Boy, was I glad to hear from her. "Hey girl!" She said. "Hey you!" "Good luck tonight, you'll do great!" "Thanks Tahls, I'll call you after the show, I'm about to go on." "Ok see ya then!" "Bye" I said. 2 minutes. I started singing Flights by Jack and Jack. It reminded me of home. "Hey I know that song!" Michael said. "I love it! Let's sing for the remainder of time we have." I started the song over and we started to sing together, "Said you've seen it all before, right, what about tonight? Why don't you open your eyes, look outside," we sang. "If you're ready let me know, we can fly to parts unknown, flights to LA, trips to Paris.." We were about to sing the next line, but someone interrupted us. It was Harry. "Hey Ari we are on now!" He said excitedly. "Oh ok, I'll just say goodbye to Michael" "Sure meet me near the stage." "Ok" I said. Michael gave him a glare. He didn't let me see the glare he gave him. "Bye bub, I'll see you after we are finished." I kissed him on the cheek. "Bye, you'll do great, I promise." "I hope" I let out a deep breath. I was out the door and Michael followed. He stopped at the door before the stage. I gave him a wave goodbye. I walked with the boys when suddenly Harry wrapped his arm around me.

*Michaels POV* "Oh fuck no he did not just do that." l said angrily. "No one touches my girl. I said, clenching my fists together. I walked over to Ashton. "Woah dude! What happened? It looks like you've just woken up" Ashton laughed. "Harry fucking wrapped his arm around Ariana as they were walking to the stage, and he smirked at me." "What's wrong with that?" Ashton said confused. "The problem is he wrapped his arms around MY girl, without MY permission. I will fucking kill him if I have to." I said harshly. "...You know you haven't told him about your relationship?" "Yeah, well I think if he sees us together, holding hands, and all that, I'm sure he would have a fair idea about what is happening. I be he is trying to make me jealous." I said darkly. "You've got a point. Do you want me to talk to him after the show?" Ashton asked. "No, it's ok I'll do it, you know a Man to Man talk." I said evilly. "Man to Man I said, yeah right " I laughed. "I'm going to watch Ariana" I said to myself. I walked to the stage door, and I heard Liam introduce Ariana. "Hey guys! We have a special guest tonight! As you may have heard, the great Ariana is also supporting the boys!" The crowd started screaming. Good start. She looked gorgeous. "Hey guys! I'm so grateful to be on this tour! I hope you don't mind that I'm only singing covers tonight, but I have a 2 surprises for you guys!" Surprises? I only know about us going on with her, but I guess it will have to wait and ask her afterwards. "Ok guys who's ready to rock this place?!!!" Zayn yelled. Girls screamed. The drums started and and the guitars strummed. This should be interesting to see if Harry tries to do anything with Ariana.... I thought.

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