Chapter 10

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"Sorry Harry, I'm just going to say bye to the boys before they go on stage." "Sure, no problem." I walked out of the room. I felt really weird. Like I had a feeling something would happen. Something bad. "Good luck Mikey." I said as I messed up his hair. "Hey! That took me ages!" "Sorry" I said with puppy eyes. "You're cute." Michael bopped my nose. He fixed his hair and gave me a peck on the cheek and the boys huddled around each other and said a prayer before they went on stage.

"Hey Harry I'm back." I said with a weak smile. "Hey Ari can I tell you something?" "Yeah what?" "Michael wants Jade back. He told me. He's only with you because he thinks you're hot and that you have celebrity connections. I know he acts like he loves you, but in reality he really doesn't like you.. That's why you should be with me.." Lies, lies, lies. I thought to myself. Michael would never say that. Harry slowly lent in towards me. He wasn't going to, was he? I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. He was kissing me. I didn't kiss back. Michael walked in. "Harry! What the FUCK are you doing with my girlfriend! Fucking hell! Get the fuck away from her!" "Michael! What are you doing here!" "I forgot my pick fuckface." Michael's eyes turned a dark shade of green. A really dark shade. He was pissed off. "I'll deal with this after the show.." He said before storming out of the room.

"THIS WAS ALL APART OF YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID PLAN. THE PLAN YOU MADE UP TO SPLIT MICHAEL AND I UP. WELL GUESS WHAT?! MICHAEL AND I ARE NOT GOING TO SPLIT UP BECAUSE OF YOU!" "HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT MY PLAN?!" Harry yelled. "WELL YOU KNOW, MAYBE YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO WHISPER." I spat at him. "Just go.." I said whispering. Without hesitating, he left. I sat down on the couch and I started crying. What have I done? What will be Harry's next move? My eyes fell heavy, and fell asleep.

"Ari, Ari, wake up.. It's time to go." I was awoken by Michael. "Michael?" "Yeah it's me.. I'll carry you" "Hey are you ok?.. With the whole thing that happened?" "..No I'm not.. I had a word to Harry.." "What'd he do?" "He said stuff like: "yeah, whatever", "sure" "ok" all that.." "Michael can ask you something?" "Yeah sure go ahead" "Is it true that you're only with me because you think I'm hot and that I have celebrity connections?" He stopped and put me down. "No of course not! I would never EVER think that! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, and I really don't mind if you have celebrity connections.. I would NEVER use you or take advantage of you because of that." "Thanks Michael." "Who said that?" "Take a guess.." "Harry?" "Yes.." "He also said that you wanted Jade back.. He invited her to come over here once tour is on break.. He said she needs to talk to you.." "Wait wait? Jade? Fuck no. I never want to see that slut again. Why the fuck would she want to talk to me?!" "One of Harry's plan." "We need to figure out a plan to stop that slut from coming here.." "We'll talk about it tomorrow, ok?" "Sure"

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