Ch. One

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A breath of cold air filled your lungs as your limbs contorted in a ceremonial dance. Your head moved to the music ingrained in your mind, and your body followed in strong, smooth, movements. With one misplaced step, you lurched forward.

A gasp leapt from your throat as you jolted awake. Your hand found your lips, chapped and trembling in fear of drowning. Two shuttered breaths wracked your ribs before a third calmed your quickly beating heart.


Distant marching flowed into your ears. Your back pressed against the wall of your cell as if trying to blend in with it or perhaps become part of the metal.


The door next to yours slammed closed, sending vibrations through the cold metal. The sound, as well as the movement that accompanied it, made you jolt. No matter how long you were on this ship, you would never grow accustomed to the treatment you endured.

Your cell door slid open to reveal a Galra guard with a prisoner chained beside him. He pushed the man forward, who stumbled into you. You braced him, more so not wanting a stranger on top of you, and glared at the guard.

"He needs healing. Be quick." With that the guard turned and left the two of you alone in the barely lit cell.

You took a moment to assess the man in your arms. He was the most like your species you had seen on this ship. The only subtle difference you could spot between the two of you was that his ears didn't come to a point. If you were being honest with yourself, you thought his round ears were kind of cute, and the sight of them spread a soft smile on your lips.

You pulled the man to your sorry excuse for a bed, and laid him gently on his back. His dark grey eyes opened ever so slightly. There was no mistaking the frightened look that swam in them. The sight of his fear made your stomach sink like you'd eaten a stone. That look was on never on the faces of the people you'd treated before. They were always so removed from you, like you didn't exist.

Swallowing down the unease, you spoke to your patient. Partially as a way to ease the tension between the two of, as a way of showing you meant no harm, and as a way to distract him from the pain he was probably in.

"My name is (y/n). What can I call you?"

The man's sharp eyes flicked to your own, as if he was trying to discern whether or not it was a good idea to reveal any information about himself. In a breathy sigh, he replied.

"My name is Takashi Shirogane."

He looked so tired. You placed a glowing hand to his rib cage, feeling the fracture mend itself. Takashi Shirogane winced.

"Where are you from, Takeshi Shirogane?" What a long name, you thought. Though, you supposed, some people on Loda had long names as well. You once knew someone called Arlo-Veniciana, though, you weren't particularly fond of them.

"I'm from Earth- uh... you can," he stammered a bit, " you can call me Shiro." You offered a soft smile, but you weren't quite sure if smiling was something humans partook in to comfort each other, nor did you find it suitable for the situation. It dropped from your face rather quickly while you continued to work.

"Where are you from?" Shiro asked as you traced your fingertips over a long gash on his arm. You don't look quite human." His fingers twitched, likely from the itch of the skin stitching back together.

"I'm from a planet called Loda." Another cut was quickly healed. "Are you our new Champion?" You asked him.

Shiro guffawed sarcastically. "I guess so. At least, that's what everyone's been calling me lately."

"It's no small feat to best Myzax in battle." Your fingers traced his jaw, and your eyes squinted to examine a small lump. "Have you been grinding your teeth?" You ask with an air of innocence. The bruise faded at your touch, the golden glow diminishing with it. "I suggest you try not to do that anymore." You glanced into his eyes, suddenly overcome with the desire to protect this man at all costs. You took in the dark colouration and the mix of emotions they held. Realizing the length of time you had been staring, you averted your eyes quickly. "I apologize, that was inappropriate of me. I didn't mean to hold eye contact for so long."

To Lodai, eye contact was a very intimate act. Only family members and lovers made eye contact for extended periods of time. Body movement and vocal interactions were enough to converse and form meaningful bonds. Then again, eye contact was also used in battle as a form of intimidation.

"There's no problem with it." Shiro tried to sit up, but winced at his injuries. He let you lay your palm flat against his chest and push him back down onto the uncomfortable mattress.

"Try not to move. I'm going to try to heal the rest of the more serious injuries. Please don't try to fight back during the procedure. It'll only make it hurt worse." You placed your fingertips at his temples, took a deep breath, and the glow traveled into Shiro's head. His eyes slid shut, and his breathing steadied from its once sporadic shutter.

His eyebrows furrowed, and he grunted, but when you were finished, his face relaxed. You wiped off a bead of sweat from his forehead with a gentle brush of the thumb. With a heavy sigh, you laid on the floor. Your head was swimming, thudding against itself, but it wasn't anything you hadn't dealt with before. If only you knew what would be coming in your future.

The cell door slid open once more before you even had the chance to catch your own breath. A guard grabbed Shiro by the shirt and tugged him along, saying nothing to you. The door closed with a deafening thud, and you were left in silence. You were left inside four cold, grey walls, only your thoughts as company.

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