Ch. Twelve

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A/n: so that last note was a big ol' lie. Didn't mean for that to happen. After a very... very long wait, I bring you another chapter! Gonna be honest, hyped to be writing for this book again. If y'all have ideas, send 'em in! I'd love to have reader feedback influencing this book. (Also, this chapter is a little more than suggestive) That is all. I hope you enjoy!

After completely obliterating Keith and Lance, Allura and I decided it would be beneficial to have a spa day. We asked Pidge and Hunk if they'd like to join, but both were busy with other things. Lance wanted to tag along, so, begrudgingly, we allowed it.

While I rummaged through the drawers in Shiro's room, the black paladin himself entered.

"What's going on here?" He placed his hands on his hips as he spoke with a large grin. Though, when I turned around, a blush spread profusely over his cheeks.

Confused, I looked at what I was wearing: A silky black robe opened to reveal a bikini and the few tattoos on my skin.

"Oh, uh," a blush found its way to my cheeks as well, "a few of us are going swimming and having a spa day. Do you- do you wanna join us?" I felt the urge to cover my midriff, but didn't move to.

"Yeah- yeah." He cleared his throat. "That sounds fun." His lips pulled into a tight smile.

"What's wrong?"

"I-" he stopped himself to take a deep breath. "You look amazing." He shifted his weight back and forth.

"No, there's something you aren't telling me." I placed one hand on his jaw, the other on his hip. "Are you okay?" My voice was soaked in worry and glazed with care.

Shiro's breath hitched in his throat.

"I want to kiss you," he whispered. He sounded pained, almost desperate.


Our lips met in the middle. The feeling was tender, soft, and warm, but a small spark pulled us closer and closer together yet. Our bodies seemed closer than physically possible. I'm not sure what it was his hot breath smelled like, but it was nice. Hands grabbed at hips, skin, and hair, and loose ends of clothing. His lips lifted away from my own, but I didn't want the feeling of my heart pounding to stop. I didn't want the sparks from his lips to leave mine, so I followed them as they retreated. Alas, they ventured to far.

Shiro's breath came out in heaves as I placed my lips against his jaw. His skin was so soft. The lower down his neck I kissed, the heavier his breathing was, the tighter his grip on my hips got.

Shiro backpedaled briefly. I followed, not realizing at first.

"What are you doing?" I whispered in his ear.

"I locked the door." His lips came crashing back to mine for mere milliseconds before pulling away again. They trembled ever so slightly. "I love you." His charcoal eyes held so much feeling and honesty I almost stopped breathing.

"I love you too." My eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill. "So much."

The next kiss was softer, sweet at first, but it escalated just as quickly as the others did. Soon, Shiro's shirt was gone, abandoned somewhere on the floor. His pants were quick to follow. Then my own clothes.

As he pressed me against the wall, I felt I had finally found exactly where I was supposed to be.

It wasn't Loda, it wasn't even the Castle of Lions, it was here: in Shiro's arms.

Our time blurred together. The knocks on the door meant nothing. The heat we shared filled the room. We told each other everything we felt, by letting the other feel us.


"Why do you think the door was locked?" Allura asked, water enveloping her figure.

"I have a few ideas," replied Lance.

"Well, what are they?" Allura leaned forward in the pool, eager to understand.

"Oh, uh, well... she may have been tired and decided to take a nap." Lance tread the water beneath him, but knew he didn't want to list all the possibilities.

"That's not it. (Y/n) was ecstatic about our win. This was her celebration of choice, not sleep."

"Maybe she was taking a shower?"

"No, I dont think either of us broke a sweat. Any other ideas?"

"Yeah, but- but I don't wanna say it."

"I'm a bug girl, Lance. I can handle whatever it is you say."

Lance took a deep breath to work up courage, but failed. He found another way to phrase it.

"When's the last time you saw Shiro?"

"He went into his room to cha- oh." Allura caught on to what Lance was hinting toward. "You don't think-"

"Yeah... yeah, I do." Both Lance and Allura's faces soaked in more red than Keith's lion. They covered their faces with their hands.

"Shall we call it a night?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. It was nice being beaten by you in combat, I'll see you in a couple hours. Sleep well!" Lance rushed out, both verbally and physically. He couldn't stand to be in the same room as anyone else right now.

"Hey, Lance, what's up? Where you headed to so quickly?" Hunk asked when the two crossed paths.

"You wanna know what's up, Hunk? What's up is that my mentor is currently with the cutest alien girl in existence! Seriously, is there anything that guy can't do?"

"I'm gonna have to tell you: I'm not following you, buddy."

"Shiro! (Y/n)! Together! In a locked bedroom!"

"Oh... oh! Um... good for them? I-I guess we should drop the subject and never talk to them about it." Hunk shrugged. Why should he get tangled in their business?

"I need to go to bed," Lance whined.

Hunk shrugged once more before heading to his own room. Though, he didn't fail to hear a soft thud resonate while passing Shiro's room.

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