Ch. Eight

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It felt like forever.

But it felt like seconds.

You stopped caring after a while.

Sometimes food came into the cell, but it was difficult to move, let alone eat. 

If you were lucky, you would dream.

Aftwr a while, you began to miss sleep more often than you missed home, more than you missed Shiro.

You didn't care anymore.

It didn't matter anymore.

You weren't going to be saved.

You were never going to leave.

Darkness was all you remembered now.

It was the only constant in life.

You hadn't had contact with anyone in weeks, but it felt like years.

Food was rare now. The gruel was sometimes kicked through the slot in the door, spilling it onto the floor.

You were never let out of the cell. No one ever came to you. It had been a week since you were last given sustenance. You sat around in your own filth, shriveling into a smaller, less efficient being.

Then it happened.

The door slid open completely for the first time in months. A figure stood as a silhouette in the purple light.

They muttered something. You couldn't tell what. Was it too quiet, or maybe you were too tired?

Whatever the answer, you shrunk back, waiting for the rough jolt of a sentry or general. Instead you were met with a gentle pressure under your thighs and back. You were lifted off the ground.

The figure seemed to be able to lift you without problem, but you couldn't determine if that was due to their strength or your weight.

You couldn't stay awake long enough to see where you were going, but you noticed your scenery passing by faster than it was before.


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. I promise that next weeks is longer!

Champion and Defender - Takashi Shirogane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now