Ch. Eleven

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"How are you settling in?" Pidge asked when she saw you in the kitchen.

"Oh! Well, things are good. Everything is so much different here. I actually feel safe. I'm happy to be here. Thank you for saving me."

"Technically Shiro saved you."

"You're the one who insisted you free the prisoners. If it weren't for you, I'd still be locked in a cell, or worse, I'd be dead." A ding alerted you. "Oh! Try these!"

You pulled a pan out of the oven. The sweet smell of baked goods wafted through the kitchen. They were quick to cool, so you handed one to Pidge right off the pan. She inspected it, closed her eyes, and hesitantly bit into the cookie. When she started chewing however, her eyes popped open.

"This is so good!" She stuffed the rest of the cookie into her mouth.

"My father used to make them when I was a child. I always thought they were the best, so I figured I'd spread the joy to the castle." You placed the baked goods onto a plate that you then handed to Pidge. "Could you bring those to the living room so everyone can enjoy them?"

She was quick to nod and leave, popping another cookie into her mouth.

After cleaning up, you made your way to the training room. Lance and Keith were tag-teaming sentinels.

"The robots are more predictable than organic opponents," you called. Your words distracted Lance, which got him hit in the side, which sent him flying into Keith.

"Oh, come on!" Lance shouted. Keith merely groaned from the ground under the blue paladin.

"Sorry." You couldn't help the grin that fought its way onto your lips. "I was going to ask if you wanted to spar."

Keith stood, rubbing his hip.

"Don't you think it would be unfair?"

"How so?"

"There's two of us and one of you."

"Who said it was teams?"

"A three person duel seems mismatched."

"Perhaps you're right." You took a moment to think up a plan. You ran through who was in the castle and what weapons they used. You knew you could work well with Shiro, but that would be unfair to the other pair. Hunk was strong but lacked speed, and Pidge was quick but lacked strength.

"I want Allura on my team."

Keith and Lance shared a glance. Lance shrugged.



Allura arrived in a suit of armor, wielding a staff. You smirked as you held onto same weapon.

The paladins activated their bayards: a sword and a gun.

"Crap," you mumbled. "Defensive or offensive?"

"I'll take defense. Strike Keith's ankles, I'll block shots from Lance. Once we've eliminated Keith we can both go after Lance."

"Don't you think that'll scare the poor kid?"

Allura shrugged. "It's the best form of action against his bayard. He can't shoot two targets in opposite directions."

"Good point. Good talk. Count of three I charge?"

"Sure. One," said Allura.

"Two," you said.

"Three," you spoke together.

A/n: A bit short, sorry. I wanted to give you a little slice of life that wasn't romantic or sad. Till next week!

Champion and Defender - Takashi Shirogane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now