Ch. Two

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You found your thoughts wandering back to the man you healed. You knew Shiro was strong, that he was competent; he had defeated Myzax after all. You worried nonetheless.

The thought of him having to come back to your cell scared you, yet you ached for his company. For so long you had healed soldiers and Champions, and for once you could empathize with the Champion in which you healed. For once you felt you could have a friend because, if Shiro could beat Myzax, surely he could beat the other gladiators. Surely he had the strength to get out of this retched place you wanted so desperately to leave.

Time was kept by counting meals. You marked the days in scratches on the wall. Based on the number of marks on the wall, you'd been here for nearing three years. Looking at your wall, you smiled. It was a sad kind of grin that stretched at the sides of your chapped lips. The source of your sadness? In six days, you would be turning twenty three, and you would celebrate the day you were taken prisoner by the Galra.

A meal slid under the door, pulling you from your thoughts.

The flavorless mush was the colour of sand, the consistency of applesauce, and never came with utensils. With a sigh, you pulled the bowl onto your lap. Having already grown used to the taste, or rather lack thereof, you didn't mind eating it anymore. However, it still bothered you that you were resigned to drinking the semi-solid straight from the dish.

When finished, you set the bowl where you had picked it up. You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes. You couldn't remember your last good night's sleep, when you last had a dream, but you did remember the last thing you did on your home planet.

You ran through the Meadow of Loda, a crown of it's flowers upon your head, a bouquet of them clutched in your hand. When you emerged from the field of flowers, you dodged through crowds of the colourfully skinned Lodai people. Dashing to your home, you followed a cobbled path, and pushed open the door happily. Your parents sat at the table, your father's (colour) skin emiting a gentle glow of gold, grasping your mother's hand. A large smile filled his face and lit up his eyes.

"What's going on?" You asked cautiously, not sure if they wanted you to know. Your mother's face held a soft, radiant smile.

"Your father and I are trying for another child. This one seems promising."

With a grin to match hers, you set the bouquet on the table. "What wonderful news."

Everything was peaceful in that moment. The three of you holding hands, smiles on your faces and warmth in your hearts.

However, nothing lasts forever, not even good things.

A darkness seemed to envelope the sky. The air chilled, and suddenly, there was fire. Screams cut through the air. The three of you removed yourselves from the home to see ships and soldiers. Lodai ran screaming through the town square. Buildings were aflame. Shots of purple light flew through the air.

You were separated, trying to move people to safety. Smike burned your lungs and the stones under your feet beat and bit at you. Something hit you in the back of your skull. Darkness invaded your vision.

The familiar clang of the door snapped your eyes open. Shiro was thrown in by a guard. The sight of him confused your already compromised emotions. He was here, and you needed him here. You were here, and he needed you to be. You needed someone to talk to. He needed someone who could keep him alive. The Universe could be so cruel to unite two people who need each other for such wildly different and selfish reasons.

"He needs healing. We won't be getting him for a while." The door was shut, leaving the two of you alone.

You knelt next to Shiro, who's chest rose and fell harshly. New cuts riddled his body. Gently, you set your hand over his sternum. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, hissing like a barn cat.

"Don't worry, Shiro. It's (y/n). I won't hurt you." He looked over at you with confusion. His eyes were broken, but hopeful. "Don't look at me like that," you muttered, averting your gaze. "There's too much feeling in your gaze. They'll only want to break you more."

"Let them," he stated. The gold light from your hand finally reached one of the worst of his lacerations, causing him to wince. "How are you doing this?" He asked.

"I was born with the ability. I got it from my father, who got it from his mother. Us Lodai, we all have something that sets us apart, like my healing. My mother could camouflage her skin however she wanted to." You smiled fondly at the memory of your mother stealing spices from a shopkeeper who turned away a couple of kids who were trying to barter rather than use currency. She met the pair outside and gave them the products she had stolen, quickly telling you that it wasn't okay to take things without asking.

"Do humans have abilities like that?"

"Uh... not really," he started, "there are a few who are the best in the world at something. I knew a kid once." He closed his eyes. "Best pilot I've ever met. He's gonna get far in life because of that."

"Well, yes, there are always those who excel at passions, but I meant like mine. Genetic." You were genuinely curious about humans. News travelled slowly in space, especially for planets hidden in the middle of nowhere.

Shiro smiled at you through the burning on his skin and shook his head. "No. There's no one else like you."

Champion and Defender - Takashi Shirogane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now