Chapter 2: Seoul

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One month later

Jungkook's Pov

Yes !! Today is the day that im going to move in Seoul Mina wait for me i will find you!!

Namjoon: yah! Maknae ah come here now we're going ..

I didn't answer hyung and ran outside as fast as i could

Namjoon: What an excited kiddo
Really want to see Mina

Namjoon Pov

Actually Yoongi Hyung tracked her down already she studies in the wait i dont remember just going to ask him again later if his not asleep.
She's so pretty why did she grow up this beautiful i think i like her ermm no i mean V likes her not me sorry bout that.

Back to Jungkook's Pov

This will be a long ride we need to take an hour or two to get to the airport if it's traffic in the city of our province i hope not....
I should just sleep for now I'm a bit tired because i didn't kinda sleep last night. Im excited to see her even though i don't know where she is... Think positive!!

Your Pov

Since Gino badmouthed my kookie's necklace i feel bad about slapping him....

But i need to get ready.. so i started doing my morning rituals.  Then after that i went downstairs.

You: Hey omma ! Im not going to eat breakfast just bread please

My mom agreed and gave me a piece.. wahhh ... I look at our house watch what!?! Its already 6:30 am!? My class starts at 8:00 no!!!

*Ding dong

You: who is it???!!!

Gino: ahhh!! Its me gino!!!

You: no not today..

Gino: im here to say sorry.

You: No not today. I accept your apology bye!

Gino:oh ok bye!!

Oh i forgot to tell you i was already outside about that time i was talking to him sorry ...
I'm going now might be traffic today eheheh

Jungkook's Pov
After 2-3 hours .
I woke up from sleep what?? We're in here??? What!?! Did we flew while i was sleeping????

Jk:Hyung are we already here???

Jin: Ani. We're in the boat right now we're not going to ride an airplane you thought  we're going to ride an airplane .. Your noona think that if we ride  (an:i dont know what's called of the boat you use to travel like that sorry keep reading peace!)

Jin:So we can use our car to travel where we want to and help find Mina .

Jk: Ah... I thought we were going to ride an airplane.... But next time right!?!

Jin hyung just nodded and continue what his doing... Ahh now im bored let me just remember the moments we spent ....

Memories of them::

Yah! That's not fair kookie!!-mina

No its fair im just strong you know!!-Jk

Hmph! I want to go home now i hate you kookie-mina

Eh? No no your staying hwere until its dark so we can walk home together!- jk

I just laugh at that memory where we are playing a game abd she lose ahahaha what a sore loser .. 

Your Pov

Its hurting again my head argh!!! I can't take it help!!!
As i keep holding my head i fainted... I don't know what happened next... I just remember i was walking to the university I go to and my head starts aching...


Fireeee!!!  Dun dun dana dun dana dona fireeee ohh!!!- me as i sang that song my head starts aching

Awww!!! Ackkk!!!- i screamed

My sight went black that's it i fainted....

And now im in whose house is this???

You: Hello???? Anybody???

I think nobody is in here??? As j waited for an answer i decided to stand up and went for the door..

??:Oh your awake???

You:The h*ll gino?? Is this yours???

Gino: uhm its my actual house the one beside you is not my house ... Its my parents house im so lucky i mean your lucky i followed you ...

You: ermm ok. Thanks

Jungkook's POV

Jungkook-ah ireona ... Yah! Jungkook-ah !-??

V:aish this minie !

Jm: We're here!!!

Jk: Really!?

I walked out as fast as i could because the hyungs are not in there any more.. 

Jk:Finally got here!Y/n-ah!! I can find you now fast!

With that i went to my hyungs we are in a university right now. 

To be continued

Its a boring chapter i know sorry ok? Im broken like really broken!.

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