They Ask You Out

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A/N: Hallo! Okay so I know these are kinda terrible and I was kind of wondering if they would be less terrible in paragraph form or if I should just embrace the terribleness of my life. Comment what you think please I'm lonely.



-This boy has been thinking about it a lot.

-And like he's high-key adorable so he keeps trying to plan out extravagant ways to ask you out.

-He pulls three consecutive all-nighters just trying to forma plan.

-Hunk is super concerned and once Lance falls into his Garrison breakfast for the fourth time in a row, he just kind of snaps.

-"Look Lance, I know what you're up to. I know you and (Y/n) both like each other, so just ask them out already! Don't do over the top gestures. They really liked that pickup line you used so maybe try something like that again!"

-Lance looks at Hunk like he's just heard God Himself speak to him.

-You're coming to the table to sit with them and Lance is ready and willing to do it there and then, but once again Hunk is the voice of reason (Bless him).

-"Sleep first. Then ask your crush out, okay man?"

-So the next day Lance approaches you after supper and.....

-"Do you have any raisins?"


-"What about a date?"

-You immediately smile and accept.

-He's so excited he's like a puppy. 

-Thank you Hunk Garret for being a good mentor for the boy.


-Hunk Garret is known for being anxious right???

-So once he realizes that he likes you and wants to date you, he starts fretting over it.

-One night when you're both cooking you can tell that something's bothering him.

-Your whole night goes like this:

-"Hunk what's wrong?"

-"What?! Nothing! Nothing is wrong! Everything is fine!!!!"

-"Okay....." *suspicious squint*

-You botch whatever you're making that night (Muffins?? Yeah let's say muffins) because Hunk is too preoccupied by his nerves to actually help you.

-He apologizes to you a lot.

-Once you dispose of the disaster muffins you ask him once more and this time he actually answers (Sort of).


-You cover his mouth with your hand while you chuckle a little bit and accept.

-"I thought you'd never ask."


-There's only a week left before you both will be at the Garrison. You as yourself but Katie as Pidge Gunderson.

-Seeing as you won't be able to call Katie Katie anymore, you spend the last week of her being herself putting her name at the end of every sentence you say to her. 

-"Pass the salt, Katie."

-"I love this movie, Katie. We HAVE to watch this, Katie."

-"Did you finish packing for school, Katie?"

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