He's Gone? (Shiro Special)

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A/N: So this isn't relevant to the story at all but I have become completely obsessed with Dear Evan Hansen and I did the math and found that I could go to New York to see the show by the end of next summer but my parents are shutting me down so yeah.... Just needed to get that out. Thanks for reading if you did.


-Unlike the ball that was dropped with telling the families (like seriously? They just put it on the news without telling the families. Wth).

-A human from HR (or the Garrison equivalent of that) sits you down and tells you that your boyfriend is dead in space.

-You don't believe it (he couldn't have made such a big mistake) but you don't know what else to do.

-Lots of tears.

-you reach out to the Holts and become friends with Katie.

-She helps you believe he's still out there.


-You started to believe that you would never see Shiro again when you see him on the grainy camera feed that Pidge hacks into. 

-(More tears.)

-Once he wakes up.

-It's a bit awkward.

-He looks so lost and you can't help but squirm at the jagged scar running across his face.

-He wants to hold you so tightly, to make sure that this isn't a dream, that you're actually here but he's terrified.

-He's completely terrified that he'll hurt you.


-Then you hug him.

- He stiffens at first (it's been over a year since he's been held so gently) but soon he relaxes and clings to you.

-You understand that he's different but you're not going to lose him again.

<3 <3 <3

A/n: Y'all are so cute and I say this every time but I just really love Shiro('s preferences).  I hope you liked this 'special edition!'

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