"I Love You"

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-So you're actually the first one to say it.

-You were hanging out together in his room just talking and stuff.

-You were just talking, being together.

-And he kinda zoned out a bit with a soft smile on his face as you brushed your hand through his hair.

-He just looked so content and you realized that you loved thsi boy.

-And it kinda slipped out.

-"I love you Lance."

-He stutters and turns bright red and you kind of feel bad like maybe you rushed it.

-But he notices you pulling back so he reassures you.

-"Oh quiznak (Y/n)! You just startled me! I love you too. I love you."



-For you guys it happens early on in the relationship.

-Hunk is a big roll of sunshine and he is affectionate towards all of his friends.

-You're no exception.

-Like he'll just yell, "love ya!" whenever someone leaves his area or whatever.

-So at the Garrison after a study session in your dorm, he's walking through the door way and he just absentmindedly,

-"Sleep well! I love you!"

-The door automatically shuts and all he hears is,

-"Night, Hunk! Love you t-"

-He squeals a bit (you do too).

-You open the door and find him still standing there, bright red.

-"What the hell just happened?"

-He says it again, sincere this time.

-"I love you???"

-You pull him in for a kiss.

-"I love you too."


-You two are still pretty young.

-And you're realistic about the fact that most relationships at this age don't work out in the long haul so you go really slow.

-You don't actually express your feelings for a long time.

-It was after a tougher battle and you and Katie were cleaning each other up.

-You had taken the brunt of the injuries- you were fending off the sentries while Katie hacked into the Galra's data-base and found some information.

-She's chewing you out and you're kinda getting frusterated.

-"You can't make such stupid mistakes, (Y/n)!"

-You snap at her (oops).

-"And why not?? I did my job didn't I? We got the info we needed!"

-She snaps back.

-"Becasue I love you okay! And you're the only person I have left and I was so scared I was going to lose you (Y/n)! You can't leave. Please don't leave me too."

-(Awww sad Pidgeon).

-"Katie, I love you too."

-Cue adorable pick-me-up cuddles with your girlfriends as you promise to be more careful.

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