Chapter 4

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Nikolas' POV

I was having a drink with Dylan, talking about how the day went when I remembered the dark-haired beauty I met.

"So how's it going? Did you meet Ryan today?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, I even met the realtors on my case" I replied.

"Realtors? There's more than one?" He asked.

"Yeah two of them. I'm excited to start searching for houses" I said.

"Excited? Why?" He asked.

"There's a woman, the realtor, I'm excited to start working with her"I replied.

"A lady huh! No surprise there, fill me in" He said.

"There's nothing there, at least not yet" I winked.

Dylan laughed at that, before clearing his throat

"Have you spoken to Alice?, does she know you're in San Francisco?" He asked.

"No, I actually meant to call her but I got busy" I said.

"You know what, let's go visit her, I need to talk to Jordan" He said.

"Sure" I replied.

We got into the car and drove to Alice's house, she lives in the suburbs, I can't wait to see my nephew, Tommy, he should be about 4 years now. I've been away from my family for too long.

I rang the doorbell and a middle-aged woman holding a cleaning brush opened the door

      "Good afternoon, how may I help you?" She asked.

I pushed Dylan to answer since he was the reason we had to come now

"Hello Madam, this is Alice's brother and I'm a friend. Is she around?" Dylan asked sounding surprisingly polite.

Then, a car pulled into the garage and I recognized Alice immediately, her eyes just as blue as mine twinkled as she came out of the car, Tommy must have just said something funny, I thought. As soon as her eyes met mine, a smile slowly filled up her face as she walked towards me.

   "Glad you decided to finally visit little brother" She said.

Alice had always had spunk and life in her, I can see that none of that has changed.

    "You knew I was in San Francisco?" I asked surprised.

   "Of course I did, I'm your big sis, I'm supposed to know. Get in here you big dummy" She spread her arms open.

I hugged Alice and realized how much I missed her, she was my mother after mom died.

  "Look at you, still so short" I teased.

She smacked my head and called to Tommy who was still in the car. She signalled to the woman by the door to get some bags out of the car.

   "Tommy get over here, its Uncle Nik" She said.

He peered out of the window and blinked twice, then he ran out of the car at top speed, ran straight into me.

  "Uncle Nik!!!" He shouted.
  "Hey big guy!, how are you?" I asked.

  "Uncle Nik I'm fine, I've missed you so much" He answered.

  "I've missed you too Tommy" I said.

  "Okay boys, let's take this reunion inside" Alice said.

We went inside, Tommy sat right next to me, Dylan sat across Alice.

  "This is Ellen, she's Tommy's nanny and she helps clean the house. Ellen this is my little brother Nikolas and his best friend Dylan" Alice introduced us.

  "Yes Madam, I was told so right before you arrived" Ellen said.

  "Good, so remember their faces, they're family" Alice said.

  "Okay Madam, pls excuse me" Ellen said and left.

Alice turned to me and smiled

  "So Nik, tell me, what have you been up to" Alice asked.

  "Well I arrived in San Francisco not too long but I got no place, so I'm crashing with Dylan till my realtors get a house for me" I replied.

  "So are you here on business?" Alice asked.

  "Business and pleasure" I replied smiling.

  *    *    *    *     *    *     *     *     *     *     *

Melissa's POV

The time was 3pm. As I drove to pick Lilly from school, I thought of how I was going to find a building with enough houses for my new client. My client with mesmerizing eyes and a charming smile. There's something weird about that guy, interestingly weird though. I parked and got out of the car, she was in the reception.

    "Lilly, honey, let's go home" I said.

    "Mommy, my teacher asked to see you when you get here" She said.

     "Really? Okay, where's he? Lead the way" I said.

I wondered why her wanted to see me all of a sudden. I always keep in touch and monitor Lilly's studies so I know she's not performing badly. The hallway was almost empty, I must have gotten here later than expected. We got to her class and knocked on the door.

       "Good afternoon Madam" a guy there said.

       "Hello, I'm looking for my daughter's teacher" I said.

      "That'll be me. I'm the new teacher Logan Fair" He said.

      "I'm so sorry Mr. Fair, I wasn't aware that she had a new teacher" I said.

     "Its okay, that's the reason I wanted to see you, to introduce myself" He said.

     "Well I'm Melissa Stevens, Lilly's mom" I said.

     "Nice to meet you Mrs. Stevens" He said shaking my hand.

     "Its Miss. Stevens actually, nice to meet you too" I replied.

     " apologies" He said.

     "That's okay. So anything else?" I asked.

     "Yes, we'll be having a Parent Teacher Association meeting soon, hope to see you there" He said.

    "Definitely. We'll get going then" I said.

    "Bye miss." He waved.

I walked out, Lilly's hand in mine as we made our way to the car. Lilly talked all the way home and I smiled and laughed listening to the story about recess, playing games with Lucy and Sophia and how she scored highest in numeracy. 'my smart little baby' I thought.

As we got home, I ordered pizza for Lilly and after she was done with her assignments, she slept off.
I brought out my files and started searching for vacant houses. After several phone calls and enquiries, I found Alcove Homes which was one of the top estate properties in San Francisco. I needed to get a brochure and also call my client to know which of their properties were to his liking.
I laid down and felt contented that I had beaten Adam to it or perhaps it was the satisfaction of being able to help my client that made me smile.

   *     *     *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *

A.N: Hey guys!!! It took me a long time to complete this chapter, lots of schoolwork then I kinda got stuck but I hope it was okay for you, my dearest readers. I'll put in more effort next chapter. Pls vote and comment!


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