Chapter 12

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Melissa's POV

I turned to look at the backseat again, for the third time, she was asleep after so much tears, I looked to my side at Nik, 'I don't know what I would have done without him being there' I thought.
My chest hurt, the former pain of loss returning, I had to pray and maybe call Bethany.

       "We're here" He said breaking me out of my reverie.

"Thanks, please help me with Lily, she's heavier when asleep" I asked.

He took her to her room, while I prepared a cup of tea for him.

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting on the couch beside me.

"I think I've answered that question untruthfully enough times today, so I'll be honest now. No, I'm not okay" I replied bursting into tears.

He moved closer and held me in his arms, "'s okay Melissa" He said.

"No! It's not okay, it has never been okay. I'm tired, I keep trying to put on a brave face, I tell myself if I strive harder or put in the effort or smile more, the pain will feel better or maybe I'll get used to it, so it won't hurt so much but no! It doesn't go away. I just want it to stop, I want to be safe, I want my baby to be safe, I want to laugh and not worry about the future. I want to be...happy" I broke down more.

He held my face in his hands, stroking my hair, patting my back, then slowly ever so slowly he brought his lips to mine, I felt the warmth of his breath against my cheek and closed my eyes, my lips parted as all the fight ebbed out of me. His lips moved slowly over mine, a probing, teasing, journey of exploration.
I pulled away, my breath ragged, avoiding his eyes, I unconsciously nibbled on my lower lip.

       "Hey, it's gonna be better I promise" He said, lifting my chin.

       "Yeah, thanks" I said looking away.

       "Melissa, I want to see you smile and hear your laughter, and I'm gonna make you smile, a lot, so prepare yourself" He said.

I nodded and got up taking the cup with me into the sink, he also stood up

       "I should get going, you need to rest" He said.

        "Yeah, thank you so much for everything" I replied.

After I heard his car drive away, I ran to the door and locked it, I sagged against the door, running my hands through my hair, I traced my lips and sighed,
           "What have I done" I murmured to myself.

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Nikolas' POV

The light shone in through the curtains, it was blinding and disrupting my dreams of Melissa. I didn't want to get out of bed but I had work to do, I could hear Dylan inside the kitchen, humming to himself.
I walked out of the room and saw Dylan at the table, sighting his cup of coffee I went straight to it.

       "Hey bro, good morning" I said taking his cup.

       "Whoa! That's my cup, another pot is brewing" He said snatching his cup back.

       "Relax, I just needed a sip to be fully awake" I replied.

       "A sip my ass. Where were you last night? I didn't realize there was a party" He said winking at me.

       "Party? There was no party, at least none that I knew of. I was with a friend, she needed help" I said.

       "A friend? She? What kind of help are we talking about" He said grinning.

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