18 | Defiance and Delusion

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Song above is 'Good Day' by Britt Nicole. It fits how Meredee feels in this chapter...somewhat ;)


She was sick of this. She was tired of being played like a puppet on a string.

And a part of her hated it.

Ka'leisha may have a fire burning inside and a rage and revenge that thirsted for justice, but a tiny thread of sanity saw it in a different light. In the black of night, her fiery breath would light up the sky, and her glistening eyes would reflect the glowing destruction it left in its wake. But that thread, that spark, that piece of her old self would fight to be heard. Meredee didn't want this.

She knew what she was doing, and she knew why she was doing this – she could feel the tiny fraction of relief this act of vengeance brought, but did it really help her at the end of the day? Or should she say, the start of the day?

The golden sunrise was tinting the horizon, hinting at the beginning of something new— of a chance to demand answers and make a change. That's what she wanted, right?

Ka'leisha wasn't so sure. She loved to stretch her wings and feel the cool night air whistle in her ears. Gliding over hills and valleys was so breathtaking, so adrenaline-rushing, and she didn't want to stop. The sunrise meant the night was over and her wings would disappear, and now she needed to get back to her mother's castle before she crash-landed onto the coastal outcroppings or in the green fir forest behind. She swooped down along the coast and swept up the incline of the mountain range.

On this side of the mountain, the trees were green, jade, emerald...so many hues of green it hurt her eyes. She loved oranges, red, yellows and golds of fiery, burning flames. 

Which was strange, because she normally preferred green and turquoise shades.

The rays of sunshine lighted up her wings just as she alighted on the cold flagstones of the courtyard to the castle's main entrance, the sharp talons on her feet tapping and scratching the pavers before she once more became the woman she'd always known.

Her brown eyes flashed with a different light as Silvana stepped out from within the shadowed castle, proudly descending the grand staircase that fanned out from the pillared entrance and boldly approached her. "This has to stop now!" Meredee said, her jaw clenched against the wave of dizziness that still accompanied the change from beast to woman.

 "This has to stop now!" Meredee said, her jaw clenched against the wave of dizziness that still accompanied the change from beast to woman

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"No," Silvana replied. "Not until we both get what we want... what I want," her haughty footsteps echoed and bounced back from the cold masonry walls and castle grounds. Only the squawk of a few crows could be heard amidst the otherwise dead silence of the mountain heights.

"What do you want? You keep mentioning power, but don't you have enough?"

"No," Silvana smiled coyly and lifted her chin proudly. "Not for what I want to do."

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