Chapter 7: You Again!?!?!

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Previously on:
Chapter 6: This Better End Well


Seriously? How many people is she even friends with!?! We quickly hid under the bed and heard the door open. Well. Well. Well. Look who finally decided to show up.

Andy's P.O.V

(Andy) "Hello? Glenda? Are you in here"?

As I looked around her room, there was no one in sight.


Wait.... Thats coming from under the bed!!

I looked under the bed. Until something came out and.....


I struggled so hard to free out. It was impossible, but I knew who this person or doll is.

I through him against the wall and he grunted.

(Chucky) "Hello Andy. Its been awhile".

(Andy) "I see your back from hell once again".

(Chucky) "Trust me. I always come back".

(Andy) "What the hell are you doing here"?

(Chucky) "I just came here to pay a visit from a family member".

(Andy) "What?!? What are you talking about"!?!

(Chucky) "Hehehehehe"!!!

I started walking fast towards him and started choking.


(???) "Andy"?

I turn around and see Leslie freaked out and weirded out for the way Im acting.

(Leslie) "What are you doing"?

(Andy) "Nothing just.... Just forget about it"?

(Leslie) "Whatever you say Mr. Freak show"!

(Andy) "No what Leslie! Why are you acting like a total bitch"!?!?!

(Leslie) "Excuse me"!?!

(Andy) "Im pretty sure you heard me correctly! Your always so rude to others! I dont see how you even have friends when you dont evEN KNOW HOW TO FUCKING RESPECT THEM!!! I feel so bad for Juan. I cant believe his whole life he has to deal with a jerk like you. Sometimes I even wonder. How are we friends"?

(Leslie) "You know..... For once I actaully get to hear the truth about someone like me. Sometimes I wonder how I have friends as well. You dont know me well. But I at least hope you and everyone else can finally understand".

She then walked away with tears in her eyes. I felt bad and guilty. I need to apologize to her soon.

(Chucky) "Not such a smooth guy after all huh"?

I turned around and looked at Chucky. Then I walked away. I know I should've killed him, but I dont really have the right weapons for that and besides. All I can think about is how can i get Leslie to forgive me.

Glenda's P.O.V

(Jacob) "Alright Im gonna ask you a few questions and you must be honset . Ok"?

(Glenda) "Yeah of course"!

(Jacob) ''Ok. Now lets begin".

(To be Continued)

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