«Nice boys»

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One morning I woke up and realized I couldn't see anything, no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't. I squinted and screamed until I calmed down. Once I calmed down I saw something blurry, I noticed i was surrounded by water that swayed back and forth. I looked around and saw large flowers with faces. "Hello...little girl." One of them said. Meanwhile, distant noises were playing that sounded like music. "Where are you from?"the other one asked, touching me with their leaf. "New York city." I said. "Mmmmm." One of them said.

After a while, I realized "Nice boys" was playing, and I noticed from the xylophone playing and a man singing. That was my favorite song I hear everyday. "Maybe it was just a dream," I thought. I thought that until the flowers started making faces at me and touching me. "Pretty girls like you shouldn't be here. "You shouldn't have come here." The other one said. " Hey!" Someone shouted. "Don't touch her." The voice said. I turned around and saw a boy. A cute one in fact, He had Brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. " Well, pretty boy got you out of this, but this isn't the last of us." They said. "Let's g-." he said but got caught off all of a sudden.

I then opened my eyes and saw my dog on me, licking my hand. It was a dream? It felt so real, and sounded like actual people. I sat up and got ready for sewing class as usual. My parents are at work so I have to call my sister to pick me up.

"It had Blue petals, yellow faces and talked?" She asked laughing. "Yes, and there was a boy that helped me get away from them." I said. "That's some kind of dream you had." She said laughing again. Out of nowhere, every thing went dark and then the music played again. I didn't scream again ,but saw something different. A Mermaid holding a flower. She had pale white skin and blue eyes. "Oh my dear Ronny... You are s-" she then looked at me and smiled. "Who are you." She asked. "Luna." I said. "Mmmm." She made the same noise the flower made. "You aren't supposed to be here." She said. I noticed her eye color changed to a bright red and something was forming on the top of her head. Her two eyes closed and I noticed an eye was forming on her head. "Do you want to see my Sand castle I built for you? It has your favorite candy, Luna." She said reaching for me. That scared me so much I screamed as loud as I can." It's fun in there." She whispered. I turned around and ran. "Hey, come back here!" She screamed. I ran all the way to a forest and I saw the same boy that there was before, looking at me. "Hi again." He said. "Who are you?" I asked. " I'm lucas." He said. " Where am i?" I asked. He looked down when I said that. " I can't say-" he said. "Can't say what?" I asked. "Stay away from the-" He said but caught off again.

Everything got blank again . My vision started seeing things again and I saw my mom in front of me and I was laying on a hospital bed. "She woke up!" She shouted. After that, a nurse came with a white mask on. "Hi, I'm your nurse for now, um..you have something unusual happening in your head and I need to check it out." He said. " What happened?" I asked. " You stopped breathing for a while In the car and got unconscious." My sister said going into the room."huh." The doctor said. " What happened." My mom asked." We may have to bring you to another room, because the machine stopped working". They then sat me up and I went to the hallway. My grandma and dad where in the waiting room next to the hallway. My grandma was writing in her purple notebook as usual and my dad was drinking coffee. "Sit down, my dear." The nurse said. He stuck something In my head that looked like those machines in Syfy movies. "That's weird." He said. " What." I asked. When he said that my grandma came into the room with the notebook. "I'm not getting signals from your brain. " He said. My grandma made a face and mumbled something. " What mom." My mother asked her. "I don't think anything is wrong with her, I'm going to bring her to my house." She said." Mo-" " She's right, Your daughters fine." He said, speaking over my mother. " I guess you can bring her than." She said.

I haven't been to her house In months and I'm hoping it's not as boring as it was before. " So.. how's Cindy?" I asked. Cindy was her old cat she had since I was a baby. She is always grumpy and gets on my nerves with all of her meowing. " She's good." She said. It looked like She wanted to tell me something but didn't feel comfortable enough. " What happened." I asked. " Sit down Mija." She told me. I then sat down.     " Have you been seeing things?" She asked
" No why?" I asked. "Just wondering." She said staring at me. "Is there anything happening?" I asked. She kept on looking at me in a very uncomfortable way. She sat up and got a photo that looked new. "Have you seen this boy?" She asked. I focused on it and I noticed it was that boy, Lucas that helped me get away from those creatures. " He was in my dreams." I said. "Those aren't dreams,"she said,"it's reality." I got confused. "What do you mean " reality." I asked.

"Don't freak out, but you have something called the "third eye." She said. "The third eye?" I asked. " it's an extra eye that brings you to another world by certain music, and that boy is real in our world to ,but we need to find him." She said. " how do we find him?" I asked. " keep on asking him questions." She said. After she said that,  she handed me a journal. " What's this for?" I asked. "Write down every question you asked him and his answer ." She said. " Do you remember them?" She asked.  I nodded.
After I nodded she told me to write it down and I did.

All I know is that His name is Lucas and he wouldn't tell me what the second world is called. I also know that I'm not going to be listening to music in a long time.

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