«The Deli»

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"Your clone?" I asked. "Meet me tomorrow morning in "Under the sea," on Trent b-" After that I woke up again in the lobby in the funeral home. A nurse came in the lobby with a pill bottle. I started to get up until the nurse told me to relax, "take these, they'll help you stay awake." She said and handed me the pills and water.

They had a very weird texture that didn't normal. "What is this?" I asked. "They're like pills but powdery." She said. I believed her so I took them. They tasted like actual pills, and in a second, my eyes got very big. "Don't worry it's supposed to do that." She said. I nodded. After a couple of seconds, I felt fine.

I walked back into the room, and everybody was gone. "There in the cemetery." The owner said. I walked outside and I saw a whole bunch of people standing near the casket. They began digging putting her in the grave, and I ran to see it. When i got in there my mom stared at me, then she nodded and looked down. I noticed she had so much tears in her eyes and they were falling on the ground. Once the casket got underground ,everyone started crying and Cindy walked up next to me. I picked her up she started purring.

1 hour later, the ceremony ended and we went home. "You took the pills?" My mom asked. "Yeah." I answered back. After she said That, I went to my room. Where's "under the sea." I thought. He lives in Brooklyn so, it has to be in Brooklyn. I searched the internet for where the place was, and it said that it's a deli on Trent Blvd. It's 2 hours away from me so I might take the train, But I might need to sneak out.

I bought the tickets for the train, and decided to start packing in The night so i won't get caught. The train station is ten minute away from me so I called an uber to pick me up at 4 a.m.

2:30 a.m.
I packed my bag with a tiny blade, just in case and extra clothes. I also brought my phone for directions and a journal. Once I got everything I put on my black leather boots and silently left.

I made it on the train, and began to read the journal "in the other dream, Addam said he has a grandkid that might turn into a victim named, Lucas." I stopped reading when I read Lucas's name, Lucas's grandfather was part of the organization too? These shocked me as I read.  "New recruit for the organization, "Penelope Cruz." I paused again when I read that. My best friend Penelope? This can't be. How is she part of the "third eye Organization?"

5:00 a.m.
I stopped reading, because I was at the train station at Brooklyn. I got out and pulled out the map on my phone, I was twenty minutes away from me on feet and ten if I was in a car. The taxis in Brooklyn are very pricey so I walked.

5:10 a.m.
I was ten minutes away and I heard a noise from the woods like someone was screaming, I went to check it out and a man was next to a woman and it looked like they were just staring at each other. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. He turned around and the many was holding something shinny, it took me seconds before I realized that it was a knife and the women was dead. I ran for my life, literally and the man was following me. Good thing those track classes payed off since I'm out running the man.

5:20 a.m.
I was a little late since I was running away from the man who almost killed me. I still have 5 more minutes until I arrive there.

5:25 a.m.
I finally got there, but when I got there I noticed it was closed so I checked when I opens and it said at 6:00. So while I was waiting, I read more in the journal, "Sad news in the organization, my partner "Addam Owens" has died from telling his wife about the organization, sadly if he dies, I die... so this might be my last journal once and for all." So this was how she actually died? How tragic... She was killed. What if Penelope did it? I wouldn't be able to talk to her again.

The deli finally opened and I went in and sat down. "Do you want anything to drink, sweetie?" The waitress asked. "No thanks, I'm just waiting for someone. "I said. "Ok, let me know if you want any thing to eat." She said. I nodded. A couple minutes later more people came in and out , but there were a bunch of men that came in that looked like bikers ,because of their leather jackets.

A lot of them stared at me with the most scariest faces. Once they stopped, this song played that sounded relaxing. I stopped my panic attack and relaxed until it went black again.

I was still in the deli, but everybody looked different again. Everybody had three eyes but Lucas was there. The man looked at him the way they looked at me which made him uncomfortable. In second, the man took him and brought him out of the deli, and he screamed. I ran out and followed him. "Hey,!" I screamed. "Get him down!" After I said that, the man disappeared. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yea-"
"That's not him!" Someone yelled. It was Lucas. "Kill him." He said. The other Lucas kept on repeating no. "Ill do it later." I said getting close to him. As I got closer he started smiling. "Hey, where's your birth mark?" I asked his face changed. "Mmm?"
I then put the blade right through his stomach and he vanished.

"How did you know?" He asked. "He didn't smile correctly and didn't have the birthmark you have on your neck." I said. "Your very observant i can see." He smiled.
"Who's the women in the black cloak?" I asked knowing that I would get into the other world. "I can-"

I woke up feeling something soft next to me. I looked up and saw I was laying to next to someone in the booth. My eyes adjusted and I noticed I was next to Lucas and he was smiling at me. "Hi." He said. "Hello there." I said. "How'd you kno-?"
"Follow me." He said and got up, which made me get up. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see." He said. He brought me to a tiny house and into a garage. It had a bed in it, and lots of journals. "You live here?" I asked. "You sure ask a lot of questions,"he said. "And yes I do live here."

We sat down and I showed him some of the journals I had. He showed me all of his weapons and more stuff he had. "This is from my grandfather, he gave it to me before he died in this journal. He showed me a necklace that had an insignia of a red eye. "I don't have one." I said opening my book. "Watch." He said and took the book. He flipped through the all the pages, closed it then opened it again and then there it was, the red eyed necklace. "How did you do that?" I asked. "My grandfather teacher me dark magic when I was a baby." He said. "Like voodoo dolls?"
"The third eye dark magic, it has to do with making things you want to appear-appear." He said. "Oh, can you teach me?" I asked.
"It takes a lot of practice." He said. "I've got all day honey." I said. He laughed, "okay then."

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