«Eternal Youth»

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" Don't tell anyone about this." My grandma said. "Why?" I asked. "You will be cursed for eternity." She said. "...ok." I said. I can't even tell my own best friend about my third eye which is hard for me ,because I tell her everything. "Penelope is going to pick you up in 5 minutes, and don't tell her the secret." She said. "Okay." I answered.

"Hey, hot stuff." Penelope said smiling. Penelope and I have been best friends since we were five and always got along... except for that time I dated her brother, but that's not the point, this secret may ruin our friendship if I act up. "Hi." I said smiling, hiding the fact that I have a extra part on my face. "I heard you went to the hospital today what happened?" She asked. "I fainted in the car and they thought I had a disease or disorder." I said laughing.

" I'm gonna open the window a little bit just in case." She said smiling. "Ok." I chuckled. We got in the car and she said something that I couldn't hear. "Hmm?" I asked. "Never mind." She said and pressed the button to play music. A Japanese type of song played and Penelope smiled. "I love this song." She said. Good thing I've never heard it before. All of a sudden everything went black again." Oh no." I thought. How could this be? I didn't even know the song. How could this have happened.

I opened my eyes and saw a tree with pink leaves. Am I in Japan? Meanwhile the song started playing, I turned around to see kids holding buckets of water and some of them were being beaten. It was completely horrific. "Excuse me your supposed to be at work." Someone said to me. "I don't work here." I said. "All kids have to work here, no excuses." She said. "I'm 15." I said. "Do it or else you get the whip." She said. I ran away like I did to every creature , but this time it was a human being. While I was running, I saw Lucas and he looked beaten up and was holding a large bottle of wine. "Lucas! Come follow me." He looked at me and threw the bottle at a lady and glass shattered everywhere. I didn't want to see the blood, so I kept on running with Lucas behind me.

We then stopped when we were out of the village. "Its you again." He said smiling. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, it's part of my character." He said. " What character?" I asked. " I can't answer that." He said. "Okay, but how old are you?" I asked. "15." He said. "Why am I here?" I asked him. " I can't say that either. " He said. "Why." I asked. "The women in the black cloak said so." He said. "Who's the wome-" Before I got to ask him, I woke up again in my room with Penelope sitting next to me with an ice pack. "I guess I don't need this." She said. "What Happened?" I asked. "You got unconscious again in the car." She said. "Oh." I said, knowing what actually happened. " Can you bring me back to my grandmother's house?" I asked. I still had many questions for my grandma like "Why won't Lucas say why I here or answer many other important questions. "I'm already here." Someone said. I looked and saw it was my grandma at the doorway. "I'll leave now." Penelope said. "Ok thanks so much Penelope." She said.

When Penelope left, grandma brought out the book and said write down what you asked him in the book, and then his answers." She said. "Why won't he-"
"Ill answer it after you write it down." She said. I took out my book and wrote that he said that he was 15 and about the women in the black cloak. "Done."I said. "Ok, what were you going to ask me?" She said. "Why won't he answer some questions and who is the women I the black cloak?" I asked. "Well, to get more answers from him, you have to Ask him simple questions then after a bunch of questions, you have to ask him one hard questions, and If it's too many hard questions than you will leave. And I don't know the women in the black coat personally ,but all I know is that she's part of the other world, "She explained. "Have you been having and monsters or bad people threaten you?" She asked. "Yes, a ton actually." I said. "Here, these are weapons to kill them," She said giving them to me. "Oh, and give the blade to Lucas for the last question." She said. "Its not actually a question ,but just say it's for him, so he would take it. Also, if your wondering why you can't tell anyone about this, well..I heard that they are always watching you so don't tell anyone." she said."Ok ." I said. "I think it's time I should get going, bye Luna bear." She said ."

After I started thinking, "why is this happening to me?; Who is in charge of this?;And why does the guy have to be so cute?" Yes, before you say anything, I sort of do think he's cute but I shouldn't be thinking about that now. I have plenty of other things in my mind. I relaxed in my bed thinking "I shouldn't go back," but I should to learn more about him...I'm going. All I have to do is find out what song it's called so I called Penelope. "Hello?" She said. "Its me." I said. "Oh, hi!" She said. "Quick question what song were you playing In the car?" I asked. "Eternal youth, why." She asked. " I like it." I said. "That's cool." She said. "Okay, bye." I said and hung up. After a while of getting ready I on the song while I was on bed, and my eyes shut immediately.

I opened my eyes to a different place with the music playing and heard people cheering. I turned around and there was a huge crowd and a stage where 3 people were standing. I glared and noticed it was Lucas standing on a chair, next to a rope. " In two and a half minutes I will put this rope around this peasant and kill him!" Someone announced. Once I heard that I panicked and ran into the crowded knowing this was going to be difficult. I quickly thought that if I sliced them the way through it would be easier, so I did it. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, killing people with a blade and seeing them drop on the floor then disappear, sort of sickened me. Half way through, I heard the other women shout " one more minute!" Which is when I panicked. I started to slice people faster and got at the front at five seconds remaining. People began counting down happily when I got on stage...

When it got to one, I ran up to the ladies who were about to kick the stool to kill him,and stuck to blades in there back to  stop them. People were furious about this and started to walk up to the stage. I panicked again, and helped Lucas untie the rope from his neck. " thanks." He said, breathing heavily. " more questions?" He asked smiling. " Yes." I said. "Okay go on." He said. " so, what's your last name?"
"Owens." He said. " Ok, what state do you live in?" I asked. " ask me another easy question than I can answer that one." he said.  " Ok, what's your nationality."
"Filipino and Salvadoran," He said. " And I live in New York." He said." Thanks." I said. "Take this." And I handed him the blade. " what's this?" He asked. " for bad monsters." I said. "Okay." He said and started smiling with his beautiful smile.

I woke up again in my room and got up to get my notebook, what I was going to write down. After that I got ready, and for some reason, i was so happy and cheerful. While walked down the hallway, I had his face in my head. Lucas. His cute smile and adorable laugh. Oh god, this can't be... am I falling for him? I think I am. Oh boy....

I got cereal and while I was pouring the milk, I heard someone. It sounded like someone was crying in the living room. I get there and I saw my sister;dad and mom all crying at the same time. "What happened?" I asked... " Grandma died."  They all said...

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