Chapter Eleven

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Emily's POV

I was glad the week was finally over. Even though I had only been to school for a week, it felt like I needed a vacation already. 

I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday, only to realize it was Saturday. The best feeling ever. 

I sloppily got out of bed and walked into my bathroom to start getting ready. I started by pulling my hair into a messy bun and washing my face. I then moved onto my make-up and hair. 

I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. I opened my closet thinking of what I had planed for the day. Before anything or anyone else could come to my mind, I thought of Jake. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and went straight to his number.

Hi Jake, i was wondering if you wanted to grab some breakfast then we could head out to the mall? :) 

I threw my phone on my bed and continued to look for something to wear. I decided on a a pear of black tights with pleather on the side, and a denim shirt that was a little big for me. Since it was cold outside, I added a white sweater of the denim shirt. I laced up my black combat boots. 

I checked my phone to find a reply from Jake;

Sure babe, I'll pick you up at say 10ish? 

That'd be great :) see you soon <3 ily x

He didn't reply after that.

I went downstairs to wait for him in the meanwhile.

Luke's POV

I didn't know what I was going to do to Jake. Even though telling James was the right thing, I still feel as though I shouldn't have. 

I walked out of my bedroom into James', who"s was right next to Jai's. "Hey, so what do you think about what I told you? You haven't really said much?" I said to him while he was on his laptop. 

He shut it and looked at me, "Listen Luke, I kinda feel bad that qe're meddling in my cousins business, even if he is a douche. I don't think we should do anything. If we do something, she is going to get mad and he will probably do to us what he did the last time, and I really don't want that." 

I couldn't believe what James was saying, but I let him carry on. 

"But on the other hand, I want to smash his face for doing this. And I don't want Emily to get hurt. But it is her fault for getting with him in the first place. So basically what I'm trying to say is I think we should give it some time before we do anything else."

"Fucking hell James, are you really saying this? of course we have to do something, are you just going to watch Emily get hurt?" 

James was silent before answering me, "No, i just don't think its right to beat him up like you suggested, maybe we should just talk to him?" i thought about it and realized he was probably right, beating him up wasn't the answer even though I did want to kill him. 

"Okay fine, but don't wimp out this time." i said walking out of his room. 

It was hard to get my mind  off Emily and Jake, but I had to stop. Tonight i was going out on a date with Taylor. We've been crushing on each other for a while, but then Emily came into the picture and Taylor got a boyfriend.

But finally things are right between the two of us and we decided we should go out tonight. As in a date, and I was really stoked for it. 

Emily's POV

I didn't wait long till Jake arrived. We left the house and went straight to the pancake place that was down the road. It was a perfect start to the day. We then went to the mall and Jake bought me a beautiful bracelet.

"Look what I got you." he said blushing and pulling out a small box and opened it. I gasped at the beautiful bracelet with an infinite sign on it. "Oh my gosh, Jake you really shouldn't have." I said looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. He gave out a giggle and put the gorgeous bracelet onto my arm. "Thank you." I said planting a kiss onto his soft lips. 

The rest of the day was amazing. We went to the beach and watched the sunset before getting hot chocolate. It was perfect.

Jake then dropped me off at my house and drove off. I walked up to the door and heard the sound of a car driving into the drive way. i turned around to see Luke's car. he parked it in his usual place and got out witha gorgeous blonde girl. 

"Hey." I said smiling at the both of them. Luke at first looked a bit embarrassed but realized I was okay with it. "Hey Emily, this is Taylor." he said walking to the door where I was standing. "Hi, I'm Emily. Nice to meet you." Taylor smiled at me and replied, "Hey Emily, I'm Taylor, I've heard a lot about you." 

We all walked inside. It took me a few minutes to realize Luke was on a date with her. After Taylor and I finished talking I told them I was tired and headed upstairs, but before I did I asked Taylor for her number so we could get together sometime, she seemed really nice and I needed a girl friend around here. 


A/N - okay before you all shoot me for updating late, I'm very sorry :/ Its been a hectic week :( and I'm also sorry for the short suckish chapter.

************I don't know if I'm going to carry on with this fanfic btw, please tweet me or comment telling me if I should?****************

twitter- @lemonxziall lemonxziall

thanks for all the reads and votes :) ilya xx

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