Chapter Thirteen

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Emily's POV

I texted jake the next morning to see if he wanted to do anything today, he didn't answer.

I did my usual morning routine and put on a warm outfit since it was so cold outside. I decided on a on a white baggy top and black skinny jeans, I added a red and black flannel on and a grey chunky scarf. I put on my black ankle booties and walked down to get breakfast.

There wasn't anyone downstairs when I got there but I found a note on the table that had the writing, 'Emily' on top. I flipped the note around and started reading it.

"Hey Em, the boys and I are filming today at the park I took you to the other day, I didn't want to wake you up. If you want to come by your welcome too


I had nothing else to do and jake wasn't answering my messages so I decided on going.

I ate a small breakfast and grabbed my big chunky black bag from the coat rack. I walked out the door and put in my headphones.

The park wasn't far from the house, and It wasn't hard to find either. I arrived at the park and heard the boys laughing and screaming. I walked to were James had told me they always film and found them laughing at Jai who was balancing on one leg, holding a plate with an egg on it and wincing in pain. I looked at the tazzer looking band around both is arms and neck and instantly screeched.

The boys noticed me and waved. They obviously couldn't stop filming so I stood and watched.

After they had finished, Luke ran up to me and hugged me first followed my the rest of the boys, "Hi guys, what video are you filming." I said looking at all the eggs on the floor and the tazzers, they explained the video too me and I laughed at the whole idea.

I felt my phone buzz in my bag and I pulled it out, it was Jake calling me.

"Hey Jake." I said smiling and walking away from the boys to try hear him better over the phone. "Hey Em, I got your text, do you wanna come over to my place now? I have some stuff in my mind we could do." He said mischievously. I laughed because he sounded like a little kid and agreed to his offer.

I walked over to the boys and Luke asked, "Was that Jake?" He said rolling his eyes, which I still had no clue why. "Yeah, he asked me if I wanted to go to his house now, he said he had something planned." I said smiling at my perfect boyfriend.

Luke's eyes instantly widened and I turned my head slightly in confusion.

Luke's POV

I knew what Jake had planned, and I wasn't going to let Emily fall for it. He was acting all sweet and then he was going to get the chance to fuck her, then of course dump her, leaving her heartbroken, which I couldn't let happen. "Listen just umh...stay here for like 5 Minutes okay?!??" I said a little panicky.

I ran over to James who was packing up the camera into the bag. I yanked him away from Jai, Beau, and Daniel who were there helping him. "Hey what the heck Luke, what was that for!" He said fixing his shirt into its proper position.

"He's doing it, he invited Emily over to you know, then he is gonna dump her, I just know it!" I said now very panicky. James caught on and started to look scared too.

"Luke, what are we gonna do, we can't let her go but she hasn't gonna listen to us!?!"

"okay umh....just....I've got it! Okay, go to Emily right now and tell her you want to take her out for lunch for like a treat, if she says she has planes, ask if they're with Jake. When she says yes, act sad and tell her she is always hanging out with him, she will instantly feel bad and she will definitely come with you." I said with a proud smile on my face for my heinous idea.

James smiled but it's slowly faded before he said, " Wait, why do I have to do it! Yes she is my cousin, but she will obviously listen to you." I explained the rest of the plain to him, that I was going to go to Jakes house and tell him to stop fucking with her.

At first James was shocked at the very brave idea, but he would do anything to to protect his cousin.

Beau called us telling us they were all packed up and Emily was slowly walking away. James ran up to her just as planned and told Emily, I couldn't tell what each of them were saying but I could tell the planned worked after Emily took her phone out and started texting someone who I assumed was Jake to cancel. James gave me a thumbs up and I started walking to Jakes house.

The walk was long and I thought a lot during it. I really did like Emily and I wanted her to feel the same about me, maybe after this she would, but I kept telling myself that she would never date anyone like me.

I reached Jakes house and I stood on the lawn for a moment taking in the horrible memories this house gave me and my brothers and friends. It wasn't so long ago but it felt like years ago.

We met Jake at a mutual friends house party and we came good friends, he invited us to one of his house parties and when we got there it was horrible, everyone was high and or taking shots in their arms. Jake told us if we didn't do it he would beat us up, of course we didn't believe him and we refused to take the shots.

He was angry and drunk and high all at the same time and called all his big, muscular friends who shoved us outside and beat us all up. It was a terrible experience and we never went back, but he hadn't stopped doing it to others after us.

I knocked on the door and waited before Jake opened the door, his face was straight when he saw me and then a huge smug grew across it.

What was I doing.


A/n- hey 😊 so pretty good chapter right? What do you think is gonna happen with Jake and Luke being in the same room?

Comment/tweet/ what you think :)


Thanks for 800 reads 💕 ilyasm 💕

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